Prunes – or dried plums — don’t usually get a lot of attention, and if they do, it’s limited to how they help fight constipation because they are such a good source of fiber (100 grams of prunes contain approximately 6.1 grams of fiber). But, did you know that prunes (and plums) are one of the healthiest foods you can eat? In addition to helping your colon stay healthy, prunes provide antioxidant protection, prevent pre-mature aging, promote cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of cancer and osteoporosis. Who knew? Personally, I like to eat plums and prunes by themselves. Prunes […]
Despite the fact that it was imported from far away Vermont and Canada, maple syrup was one of those things we always had on hand in the Philippines when I was growing up. My mother would give it to us with pancakes and use it as a glaze for her famous fruitcake. Maple syrup is the concentrated sap from sugar maple trees that grow only in New England and Eastern Canada. It’s collected, usually starting in March, when the nights are still near freezing but the days are starting to warm. The sugar in maple syrup is considered unrefined and […]
Protein is very important for strong muscles and bones. Lean protein helps achieve weight loss. I love meat—it has riboflavin, vitamin B12, tyrosine, and the FoodTrient zinc—but I enjoy it in moderation, which protects against cardiovascular disease. I also am careful about eating cured meats, which can aggravate joints and promote gout. Whenever possible, I use grass-fed beef over corn-fed beef because cows were created to eat grass, not corn. The meat from animals that graze grass—cows, lambs, or even buffalo—contains more of the good-for-you omega-3 fatty acids and less of the bad-for-you omega-6s. And I make sure I buy […]
Second only to teeth, bones are your body’s strongest material. And even though they’re solid, bones are dynamic, living tissue, made mostly from collagen and calcium phosphate, a mineral that hardens bone exterior. But as you age, existing bone density breaks down faster than new bone is made, increasing risk of osteoporosis, a condition that reduces bone density and raises chance of fractures. Stay strong with naturally minded advice from a physical therapist (Marilyn Moffat, PT, New York University, New York), a nutritionist (Ann Gibson, CHHC, founder,, Boulder, Colorado), and a naturopathic doctor (Justin Pollack, ND, co-owner, Mountain-River Naturopathic Clinic, […]
There are certain foods I always have in my pantry and refrigerator because they are delicious, versatile and full of great nutrition. By keeping these around as staples, you’ll always be able to boost the FoodTrient value of whatever you’re preparing. Both of my award-winning books, The Age Gracefully Cookbook and my newest one, The Age Beautifully Cookbook, would not be complete without these culinary essentials: APPLES Loaded with fiber, eating an apple a day has been associated with reduced risk of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, asthma and diabetes. A key ingredient in apples is a flavonoid that a 2001 […]
The dairy aisle used to be so simple—whole milk, low fat milk, non-fat milk, half and half, cream and maybe goat’s milk if it was a health food store. With the growing number of people with lactose intolerance, or those following a vegan diet, the consumption of plant-based ‘milks’ has been expanding by about 11 percent each year since 1999. Consumption of cow’s milk has declined by 25 percent since 1975, according to Cooking Light Magazine. Cow’s milk was for decades considered an almost perfect food with 8g protein, 460 mg potassium (13% of the RDA), 35% of the RDA […]
This side dish pairs well with chicken or beef or game meats. You can use almost any variety of mushrooms in any combination. I leave the small mushrooms whole because they look nicer that way, but you can chop them if you prefer. Mushrooms contain selenium, an antioxidant that boosts immune function and reduces cancer risk. Beta glucans in mushrooms boost the immune system. Mushrooms are also a good source of vitamin D, for strong bones. You can learn more about the incredible benefits of mushrooms in my blog on Miraculous Mushrooms. Serves 2-4 Ingredients 1 cup shiitake mushrooms 1 […]
By Jenny Ivy Second only to teeth, bones are your body’s strongest material. And even though they’re solid, bones are dynamic, living tissue, made mostly from collagen and calcium phosphate, a mineral that hardens bone exterior. But as you age, existing bone density breaks down faster than new bone is made, increasing risk of osteoporosis, a condition that reduces bone density and raises chance of fractures. Stay strong with naturally minded advice from a physical therapist (Marilyn Moffat, PT, New York University, New York), a nutritionist (Ann Gibson, CHHC, founder,, Boulder, Colorado), and a naturopathic doctor (Justin Pollack, ND, […]
If you’ve been following a regular workout regime, you deserve applause. I try to walk and swim as often as I can. Whether you run a few times a week, hike on the weekends or go to the gym, regular exercise is one of the most reliable ways to live a healthier life. Whatever kind of workout you practice, there are foods that can help you make the most of any exercise routine. Even though there are performance-enhancing supplements, eating the right foods is the most reliable way to build muscle and recover efficiently from workouts. Some of my favorite […]
These days, we don’t just want to feel OK. We want to feel absolutely, positively amazing—and look the part, too. Aging gracefully depends on how you nurture your body. Today, a trove of studies shows the importance of following a nutrient-dense diet, being active and taking dietary supplements to support a healthy aging process. One of the clear standouts to help along the way: collagen, an antiaging nutrient that rose to stardom in Japan decades ago and now is making its prowess known here in the United States, thanks to innovative, research-backed products and an understanding that what goes inside […]