479 results found for: Diabetes

Blueberry Polyphenols: Boost Weight Loss

You can count on this newsletter to keep you informed about research findings of natural products that your doctor may not know about, or has deemed useless, choosing to uphold the status quo of the prescription drug dominated “medical establishment”.  So, here I’d like to tell you about the useful health benefits of a common fruit in fighting diabetes as well as halting the progression of metabolic syndrome – a close relative. The Common Blueberry Can Help Diabetes Research findings about the ability of the polyphenol compounds in blueberries (and certain other fruits) to fight diabetes, and other degenerative diseases, […]

Feeding the Gut Microbiota

The American Gastroenterological Association issued the following news release: A healthy and balanced diet, as well as probiotics, have been known to be helpful in preserving gastrointestinal health for quite a long time. But it is only recently that the underlying mechanisms have become somewhat clearer. A rapidly increasing body of knowledge promises to further clarify the effects of our daily food on the gut microbiota and to indicate more targeted applications of probiotics in the near future. This was one of the topics presented at the Gut Microbiota for Health World Summit in Miami, FL. On March 8 and 9, 2014, internationally leading […]

Natural Products Show Delights Palate

A walk through the miles of aisles that make up the Natural Products Expo at the Anaheim, California Convention Center is not only an exercise in endurance, but a wonder at all the passion and creativity that go into creating delicious, FoodTrients-filled, healthy foods that enrich our bodies and our lives. The intrepid FoodTrients Team waded through nearly 2,800 vendors, rubbing shoulders with over 65,000 fellow attendees to spot trends and share some of the exciting products we found. What follows are only some of the new product highlights. Over the coming months, we will bring you more of the […]

These 2 Popular Foods May Cause You To Gain Weight

These Popular Foods May Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss One of the important health issues of getting older is weight management.  If you’re overweight in middle age, your chances of developing serious disease – like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer – are greater.  And, like most people over 50, you may have been struggling with maintaining a normal weight or trying to lose some. If you’re still working, or just too busy to make meals at home regularly, like many of my patients you may be eating at a fast food restaurant several days a week.  You might stop […]

This Could Lead To Blindness As You Get Older

I’ve mentioned several times how getting older can affect your eye health. That’s why I’m interested in keeping your eyes, as well as the rest of you, healthy.  I’ve just learned of new research that sheds some light on a certain risk factor – especially for men – for developing cataracts.  I think you’ll be as surprised as I was to learn what this risk factor is… Men and Eye Disease:  Your Waistline May be The Culprit Think about it.  What would your life be like if your vision became so impaired that it stopped you living like you do now? There’d […]

Trainers, Doctors Tout Need To Be Active While Aging

David Williams has always been an active guy. But when the 61-year-old could no longer hike on hunting trips without huffing and puffing and stopping to rest, Williams realized he had let his physical fitness slip away. “If I want to enjoy the things I really enjoy, I have to be in the physical condition to do so,” Williams said. “Otherwise, I can watch, but I can’t participate.” If Williams wanted to enjoy hunting or alpine skiing, if he wanted to be able to keep up with his active, teenage godchildren, he had to make his physical fitness more of a […]

7 Essential Steps to a Gluten-Free Meat-Free Diet

Studies show that people who eat vegetarian diets have lower rates of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney stones, and lower blood pressure than people who eat meat. If you take the steps to make sure you’re eating a healthy, vitamin and nutrient rich diet, eating vegetarian can be incredibly healthy. That said, combining gluten-free eating with a vegetarian diet can be hard, especially because vegetarian meals heavily rely on grains. However, with gluten-free living easier than ever before, this option is much more manageable if you follow a few simple guidelines. Read on for some handy tips […]

Blood Sugar Levels and Mercury

In the last several years there has been a lot of controversy about how much mercury we, as humans, can be exposed to before our health starts to suffer. How much exposure is too much?  As a result, many of my patients have asked me about mercury exposure and what they can do to better protect their health.