920 results found for: Heart

Belly Fat a Greater Health Risk Than Obesity, Mayo Study Says

Here’s another reason to fret over a flabby stomach. A new study suggests that adults who aren’t technically overweight but have a lot of fat around their guts run a higher death risk than people who are obese. Conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., the study looked at people with normal body mass index scores who also fit the definition for “central obesity” — meaning they had a high waist-to-hip ratio. Normal-weight patients with a lot of belly fat, it turned out, had the highest death risks from cardiovascular disease and other causes, according to a […]

Dr. John M. Kennedy Joins FoodTrients Board of Advisors

John M. Kennedy, M.D., is on a mission to reduce cardiac conditions without invasive surgery or a daily regime of prescription drugs. As the leading cardiologist on the stress-heart disease connection, Dr. Kennedy’s first book divulges simple techniques to prevent and reverse the four major kinds of heart disease in just 15 minutes a day. The 15 Minute Heart Cure:The Natural Way to Release Stress and Heal your Heart in Just Minutes a Day teaches the BREATHE technique to help heal and protect your heart through specific stress-reducing breathing and guided imagery. A modern take on traditional meditation, this technique elicits […]

Tea for You: Cold Brew Boosts the Brain

When it’s hot out, a cup of iced tea is very refreshing, and the benefits far outweigh so many other drinks on the market. The theaflavins in both green and black teas help improve blood flow, keeping your skin fresh and your brain young.

Forget What You’ve Been Told – All Calories Are Not Equal!

Let’s face it.  When it comes to losing weight and which diet will help you successfully achieve that, there’s some pretty confusing information out there.  You may have heard, or read somewhere, that “a calorie is a calorie”.  That’s just not true.  I’ve been telling my overweight patients for years that all calories are not equal. If that were true, you wouldn’t have to worry about eating a varied diet.  You could just eat one food, say ice cream or pizza all day, and as long as it equaled the amount of calories you needed to either lose or maintain your weight, you’d […]

Is Cooking With Aluminum Pans A Health Risk?

In the last several years, more information has surfaced about the safety of chemicals used to create Teflon (PTFE) and other non-stick surface coated pans.  It was found that with use, scraping food with utensils could cause tiny flecks of these chemical-based surfaces to get into your food.  Even though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had deemed that ingesting small particles of these pan surfaces has not been shown to cause any real health problems, many of my patients decided to throw out their non-stick cookware and switch back to cast iron or aluminum. Cast iron cookware has been around […]

Nutrient-Rich Foods Defend Health While Saving Money

Eating healthfully doesn’t always mean higher prices at the grocery store. In fact, some of the most nutritious foods can be found for pennies at local markets. “Super foods,” as they’re sometimes called, is the catch phrase used for nutrient-dense foods that sometimes have disease-fighting properties, such as antioxidants, said Jonathan Allen, coordinator of the interdepartmental nutrition program at N.C. State University’s Department of Food Bio-processing & Nutrition Sciences. And while these super foods aren’t the only foods you should eat as part of a well-balanced diet, their prices make them a bargain — especially when you consider the costs […]

In Pursuit Of The Finest In Dark Chocolate

            The rich aroma, the robust flavor tingling on every taste bud, the tantalizing, satisfying feeling you get afterward. Nothing beats a high quality piece of chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Whether you’re enjoying it as a quick snack or diving into a decadent dessert, you know how important the right chocolate is. If you’re in pursuit of the finest dark chocolates, you have no further to go. Picking the finest in dark chocolate is like picking a fine wine, you need to research, study and know what separates quality from mediocrity. Let’s take a journey […]

Salmonella Peanut Butter Outbreak In 19 States

Many of my readers are peanut butter lovers and you may be too.  That’s why I wanted you to know about the current salmonella tainted peanut products outbreak that, as of October 16, has sickened 35 people in 19 states.  If you typically buy peanut butter from Trader Joe’s or consume other peanut-containing products bought anywhere, you’ll want to check the list of products cited for recall at the manufacturer’s website (see link below).  Here’s what happened. Salmonella Peanut Butter Outbreak 2012 At the end of September 2012, the CDC confirmed salmonella Bredeney bacteria outbreak in peanut products that came out of […]