920 results found for: Heart

How Sugar Calories Affect Your Weight

Your body will never waste a calorie. Each calorie is either burned for energy or stored for later use. Calories come in three forms, which are the macromolecules of human nutrition: fat, protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are interesting. The basic building block of all carbohydrates, whether simple or complex, is a single sugar molecule called glucose. This means that all carbohydrates, from whole grains to table sugar, will eventually break down into a single glucose molecule. Glucose is the main energy source for all cells, including your heart, brain and muscles. But here’s where it gets interesting: Sugar, if it’s not burned […]

Can Pomegranate Prevent Prostate Cancer?

Pomegranates are the epitome of a super food — for no small reason. In fact, these bright red fruits are one of the richest sources of antioxidants known. They’ve been shown to protect against a variety of diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. But the benefits of pomegranate don’t stop there. In fact, pomegranate juice may slow prostate cancer growth, according to research from UCLA. Let’s take a look at the research. Study Finds Pomegranate Slows Rising PSA Levels In the study, investigators from UCLA recruited men with a prior history of prostate cancer. They had undergone cancer surgery or radiation, but their […]

Winter Squashes: From Dips to Desserts

Pumpkins are chock full of the FoodTrient carotenoids, which our bodies turn into vitamin A. These nutrients are really good for your skin, hair, eyes, and heart. They also help prevent cancer and support the immune system. Winter squash is also a good source of the FoodTrient fiber, which helps to control the appetite and is good for the digestive tract. So I’m exploring delicious ways to enjoy many interesting fall fruits of the vine: pumpkins, kabocha squash, butternut squash, acorn squash, hubbard squash, and turban squash. At this time of the year, pumpkin pie is very popular. Since I […]

Thanksgiving dinnerThanksgiving dinner

Have a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a carb-loaded, over-eating frenzy. You can make satisfying, healthy, anti-aging food choices for this holiday that will leave you feeling thankful for indulging. Take turkey, for example. I cook at least four turkeys each Thanksgiving because I usually have about 30 people over for dinner. Turkey contains tryptophan, which produces niacin, giving us energy. Tryptophan also builds the hormone serotonin, which helps ensure healthy neurotransmitters in our brain. Turkey also contains the FoodTrient selenium, a detoxifying antioxidant. You don’t have to drown your turkey in fatty gravy. It can be deliciously sauced using healthier ingredients. […]

EWG’s Guide to a Healthy Holiday Season

This year, give thanks with less–fewer pesticides, greenhouse gases and maybe less money. Small turkeys can be tastier.  And when you cook just what you need, you don’t waste. Try an organic, local or heritage turkey or one raised without antibiotics.  Or embrace a seasonal, climate-smart, stuffed winter squash centerpiece instead. Cranberry sauce is super easy, delicious and even more nutritious to make from scratch.  Opt for organic cranberries if you can, because conventional berries are heavily treated. Pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving tradition, with good reason.  Pumpkin is packed with nutrition, widely available locally and generally low in pesticides.  Baked pears are simple and delightful. White potatoes […]

Astaxanthin: An Antioxidant With “Star” Qualities

Many of my patients are on the lookout for anti-aging news and products that will help them stay younger-looking, stronger and healthier as they age.  Perhaps you, too, are looking for the best anti-aging products and information you can find.  Well, you’ve come to the right place, as anti-aging medicine is my specialty. I’d like to tell you about one of the best anti-aging substances out there – literally a “star” amongst antioxidants. Astaxanthin – An Amazing Carotenoid The Greek word “asta” means “star-like” and even has been translated as “love” itself.  Xanthin means yellow in Greek and is a […]

New Findings On The Calcium Supplement Controversy

If you’ve been taking calcium supplements as prevention against osteoporosis and then quit because of the concerning findings of previous studies – you may not have needed to, says a new Harvard study. In an earlier Healthy Answers newsletter article [Why You May Want to Stop taking Calcium Supplements, September 2012], I alerted my readers to research findings from both German and New Zealand studies that suggested the possible dangers of taking calcium supplements. Yet, this new study, out of a Harvard Medical School division, the Institute for Aging Research (IFAR) at Hebrew SeniorLife, had quite different findings from these previous studies.  […]

Fermented Foods Preserve Our Health

When I was a teenager, my mom and I made atchara together. Atchara is a sweet-and-sour pickle made from green, unripe papayas and other vegetables. Eaten with grilled pork or fried fish, it’s considered the national dish of the Philippines (see our family recipe below). We also used to make our own pickled cucumbers—both the sweet kind and the salty kind. And because there were almost no German delis at the time, my mother fermented her own sauerkraut and grinding and stuffing her own sausages. Fermentation—the process of converting sugars into ethanol—has a long history. Because fermentation preserves food, people […]

High Caffeine Energy Drinks Could Pose A Health Hazard

Recently a 14-year-old Maryland girl died after drinking 2 Monster Energy drinks in a 24-hour period.  One 24 oz can has as much caffeine as seven 12 oz cans of regular soda.  That means this girl took in 14 times the amount of caffeine in 2 cans of regular soda in 24 hours.  It was also learned that the girl had an underlying heart condition which this jolt of caffeine aggravated and lead to her death. In addition, at least 4 other people have died after drinking high-energy drinks. As a result, the FDA has stepped in to investigate, not […]

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Most diabetics do not know what causes high blood pressure. Diabetes is very closely linked to high blood pressure – a condition also known as hypertension. It is estimated that about 75% of adults that have diabetes also have high blood pressure and that a person with diabetes is about twice as likely to get high blood pressure as someone without diabetes. Discover what causes high blood pressure. Start today to change those risk factors you can control. Always prefer to use digital blood pressure monitor for monitoring blood pressure level. High blood pressure occurs when arteries become filled with […]