I don’t think a week
Many of my patients, particularly those over 40, ask me if there is anything they can do about the look of their hair – it’s lost its healthy, youthful shine, and just doesn’t seem to be as thick as it used to be. There’s a whole lot you can do for your hair just by following some simple rules of good nutrition and supplementing with the correct vitamins. When your body is healthy, it shows in your hair and your nails. In fact, I can often tell when a patient’s nutritional status is out of whack just by looking at […]
In prior articles, I’ve talked about the benefits of regular detoxing from toxins that you’re exposed to from multiple sources. These include the water you drink, air you breathe, the food you eat, chemicals you may come in contact with, medications you take, etc. Reducing the toxic load on your liver – your body’s main toxin filter – of one of the most damaging heavy metals – mercury – will not only help you get and stay healthier, but you’ll have more energy, and look and feel better. Here’s how… I. Re-Energize Your Immune System with Internal Cleansing You know how […]
Eating healthy on a budget is not just achievable, it’s an excellent way to energize your body and mind without straining your wallet! Changing your diet (for the better) and buy less expensive, yet still high quality foods is key. You might be surprised to know that there are many relatively inexpensive foods that can actually improve your health. A few of my patients shared some of the ways they were able to cut their food bills, and I’d like to pass those on to you – my readers. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well you […]
Consumers hear a lot today about “healthy foods” that are shown to prevent disease. Missing from news broadcasts are details about how to benefit from specific plant components that published studies document help protect against degenerative disorders. In seeking to clarify their knowledge base, scientists are focusing a lot of research on compounds known as anthocyanins, which provide berries and other plants with their rich deep red and purple colors and have been proven to combat multiple pathways of disease. In this report, we provide you with research findings about various anthocyanin-rich plants and how you can access their disease […]
If you’re in the Baby Boomer age group (49+), you ‘came of age’ in a unique period of time when many manufacturing innovations and societal changes came about. Most of you have an adventuresome, visionary spirit and want to stay youthful, active and healthy well into your old age. Yet, statistics show that 7 out of 10 Boomers are overweight with a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, dementia, hypertension, cataracts, sexual dysfunction and many other age-related ailments. In a generation that’s so youth-and health oriented, why are many Baby Boomers plagued by these age-related ailments? The answer to that […]
Have you ever cut into a dry, overcooked, gray piece of steak and wondered why you bother? Maybe you’ve bought into the old wives tale that rare meat is bad for you, so you think the only way you can enjoy a steak is to eat one with all the joy cooked right out of it.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26.5 million people have been diagnosed with heart disease in the United States. It is the #1 killer. The most common notion has been for years that cholesterol and saturated fat lead to heart disease and we should be concentrating on engaging in low-fat diets and chugging down prescription drugs to regulate these things. We are spoon-fed this paranoia by the government and major health organizations such as the American Heart Association, when in reality, cholesterol is a minor player in heart disease and lowering cholesterol has extremely limited benefits. Cholesterol […]
Have you ever wondered how long you’re going to live? The potential answer can be found in the energy-producing cellular powerhouses called mitochondria. According to a growing number of cell biologists, the number and functionality of the mitochondria specifically determine an individual’s life span. When we’re young, we are relatively protected against mitochondrial deterioration. As we age, however, changes within our cells lead to the destruction of mitochondria—paving the way for aging and disease. In 2007 scientists made a remarkable age-reversal discovery: Damage to mitochondrial DNA becomes permanent a decade after mitochondrial dysfunction begins—and in the early stages, this damage remains reversible. In this article, you’ll learn about a 3-step […]
Lately I’ve been telling my patients more and more about what Japanese ladies have known for centuries…the amazing skin healing benefits of rice! In fact, recent research has shown that using a rice starch-soak is effective in improving the dry skin lesions of eczema! That’s not all – rice bran oil, rice bran powder and rice water applied topically can really change the texture and clarity of your skin, smoothing it and brightening dark spots. In addition, adding whole rice bran to your diet can offer a rich source of Vitamin E and linoleic acids which benefit your skin and […]