920 results found for: Heart

These 4 Common Fruits Can Keep Your Bones Strong

You may already be including these fruits in your diet because you like them.  But if not, you’ll want to be sure to eat more of them because, as you’ll see, they are particularly good at maintaining bone health.  Here they are… 1.  Apples.  Yes, the humble little apple that, now that it’s fall, is pretty plentiful.  You’ve probably heard or read about antioxidants and how important they are to your overall health.  They fight free radicals from damaging your DNA and making you more susceptible to the bad diseases of aging like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and even cancer.  Apples, […]

Winter Squashes: From Dips to Desserts

Pumpkins may not be one of my favorite winter squashes but they are popular and plentiful at this time of year. They are also chock full of the FoodTrient carotenoids, which our bodies turn into vitamin A. These nutrients are really good for your skin, hair, eyes, and heart. They also help prevent cancer and support the immune system.

Golden Berries Are an Anti-Aging Treasure

Golden berries go by many names. Some call them ground cherries. They grow on bushes, individually wrapped in husks like their cousin, the tomatillo. They are native to the Andes, which is why some people call them Inca berries or Aztec berries or even Peruvian cherries. Golden berries also grow in South Africa, where they are known as Cape gooseberries. Whatever you call them, just be sure to eat these bright yellow-orange fruits about the size of a cherry. Here in America, we most often see golden berries dried because they have a short growing season and an even shorter […]

No Time For The Gym? One Simple Device Can Get You Fit – Fast!

Many of my patients are busy  just like you still working, maybe traveling a lot, and just can’t seem to find enough time to get in a much-needed regular workout.  Well, no more excuses!  I’d like to tell you about this 1 little device that is not only portable and can be packed easily into your suitcase, but it’s easy to use, inexpensive, and, best of all, produces great muscle strengthening results.  It’s called a Resistance Band and I’d like to tell you how could benefit from them. The 1 Piece of Exercise Equipment You Must Own I’m sure you’ve […]

The Superstar Benefits of Quinoa & Kale

I like to frequently use an ancient Socrates quote to my patients when I try to drive home the importance of eating the right foods to both preserve and heal their health.  The saying, roughly, goes, “Let your food be your medicine” and with these 2 nutritional powerhouses, that I’m going to tell you about here, old Socrates couldn’t be closer to the truth.  These 2 simple foods are quinoa – an ancient super-grain – and the beautiful kale plant.  They not only taste great but I’m going to tell you how they can actually save your life. The Amazing Health Benefits […]

Top 3 Anti-Aging Supplements

It’s no coincidence that our name is Life Extension. Our sole purpose is to find ways to extend the healthy, human life span. And if you haven’t noticed yet, it really is our passion. Of course, eating healthy and exercising are top priorities for any anti-aging program, but we think there’s more to the story than that.

Boomers: Are You Eating a SAD diet? You May Be at Risk

Did you know that most medical doctors don’t know much about nutrition? It’s true.  Maybe they’ve taken a class in medical school about the basics and, unless they pursue nutrition further, they really don’t learn much about it.  As a result, they often tell their patients that if they eat a “balanced” diet, that’s all they need to maintain good health.