920 results found for: Heart

Royal Jelly: A Superfood Fit for a Queen (or King!)

In the world of alternative medicine, the health benefits of some products can get hyped as “superfoods” and are all the rage for a while.  Then, it seems they fade away when they become replaced by the newest craze.  But some “superfoods” truly stand the test of time both in the health benefits they offer and their stability of popularity over the years.  I’d like to tell you about one of these products – a superfood fit for Queens (and Kings!) – whose health benefits you can depend on. This Superfood Gives Your Health The Royal Treatment Bees have been […]


Eating Healthy All Winter

What is the easiest way to get in shape for your summer vacation? It’s eating healthy during the cold winter months and skipping the beach-body crash diets of years past. As soon as temperatures start rising, I see patients trying to lose the extra pounds that crept on around the holidays and stayed through the winter. I’m here to tell you how to maintain a healthy body with smart seasonal eating so you can avoid the summer diet panic. We all know crash diets are unhealthy and rarely effective. The key to healthy weight loss is replacing processed unhealthy foods with better […]

Stay Younger Longer with BHRT

It’s a New Year, 2014, and maybe the year when you decide to take the bull by the horns in your quest to stay younger, longer.  One of the best anti-aging therapies that have been put into use during the last decade is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or BHRT for short.  If you’re over 50 and have been battling the annoying symptoms of aging, I’d like to tell you about the improvement, and/or relief, you can expect from BHRT. Lost Your Love Life in All Those Wrinkles and Belly Fat? Now, I know, that doesn’t sound appealing, but unfortunately it’s […]

5 Foods to Lead Your Gluten-Free Low Calorie Journey

Calories are our main source for energy, yet when we’re forced to start eating a gluten-free diet, we can face a new set of challenges where calories are concerned. For one thing, pre-packaged foods that are gluten-free can also be very high in sugar, meaning they have a lot of “empty” calories. Let’s take a look at how to determine the total number of calories you need each day. Then we’ll provide you with 5 gluten-free foods to base your low-calorie diet around. The Basal Metabolic Rate: How to Calculate Your Caloric Needs How many calories do you need each […]

Obesity and Weight Loss

A startling 60 – 75% of the adult population in the United States is overweight or obese (American Heart Assc. 2012). Around the world, the prevalence of obesity has nearly doubled from 1980 to 2008 (Stevens 2012).

Pomegranate: The Anti-Aging Queen of Fruits

We’ve known for a few years now that eating pomegranate seeds and drinking pomegranate juice was a healthy thing to do.  It’s high in the antioxidant Vitamin C and polyphenol compounds, catechins and anthocyanins.  Those qualities alone make it a powerhouse fruit to include in your diet regularly to fight free radical damage to your DNA.  But there’s even more you should know about pomegranates that make it both a powerful disease fighter as well as an anti-aging substance for both men and women. Read on… The Ruby Red Queen of Fruits Holds an Anti-Aging Secret Pomegranates are an amazing, […]

These 4 Spices Could Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s

In medical circles, it’s believed that what’s good for the heart is good for the brain.  So, as a cardiologist, I’d like to tell you about 4 amazing gifts from Nature that both help your heart and help you ward off Alzheimer’s disease.  No small feat! They’re economical, they taste great when added to the food you eat everyday, and Alzheimer researchers have proven them to add real benefit to the fight against Alzheimer’s.  Here’s what you should know… These 4 Amazing Spices Help Fight Alzheimer’s Even though I don’t treat Alzheimer disease, I often see heart patients who also have this […]

Flawed Research Used to Attack Multivitamin Supplements

Two flawed studies, a rehashed review, and an editorial published in the December 17th issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine have attempted to discredit the value of multivitamin supplements. Both of the studies were plagued by grievous methodological flaws. In one of the studies, subjects were given low-quality, low-potency multivitamin supplements. Treatment adherence rates and drop-out rates were horrendous in the studies. Nevertheless, mainstream sources are using these reprehensible studies to undermine dietary supplements. The first study examined the cognitive effects of low-potency multivitamin supplementation in aging male participants.  Not surprisingly, the conclusions in the present analysis question the value of multivitamin benefits for cognition. In the other study, […]

Fat in Your Diet – Do You Know The Real Skinny?

When I talk to my patients about ways to protect their heart, and general health by eating more good fats and avoiding the bad fats – they’re often confused.  One patient said, “Aren’t they all bad?”  You can’t blame his response though, for the last few decades, “fat” in the diet has been blamed for everything from heart disease to cancer to many other conditions in-between. In the last several years though, health researchers have come to learn that all fats aren’t created equal.  Not all are bad and, some are even good and necessary for your good health.  So I’d like […]