920 results found for: Heart

The 8 Forms of Vitamin E and How They Preserve Your Memory

I’ve mentioned to you a few times how your heart and brain health are connected and that what’s good health practices for one benefits the other.  That’s why, as a cardiologist, I also look for new research that benefits the brain as well as the heart. Recently, I came across some new research about Vitamin E that I’d like to pass on to you as it is especially helpful in protecting your memory.  And the positive side effect is that it also benefits your heart! Is Your Memory Getting The Full Benefit of Vitamin E? You may not know this, but […]

Could You Have Metabolic Syndrome?

Some of the most common health issues my patients face today are weight control, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Did you know that the three of them are related? Yes, they are. They belong to a group of metabolic disorders called “metabolic syndrome” and can put you at risk for developing heart and other diseases!

Why Diet ALWAYS Matters

Virtually every day, we’re all bombarded with advice about our diets. We’re told which foods to eat to have more energy, reduce our cholesterol, lower our chances of a heart attack, reduce our risk of getting cancer … yet once someone is diagnosed with cancer, these recommendations often fall by the wayside. Though defying both common sense and good science, some cancer patients are still hearing “eat whatever you want, you need to keep up your strength,” by their physicians. And, this holds true even when their dietary choices are loaded with saturated fats and refined sugars! At the Block […]

Gluten-Free Pasta Primer: An Intro to Popular Pasta Types

Learning to navigate the gluten-free aisle at your local grocery can be difficult, and the pasta section can be especially frustrating. Corn noodles? Quinoa? Brown rice? While the ever rising selection of gluten-free items is exciting, the number of options can often times be overwhelming. You can either do what I did and try out each type until you figure out what’s what (not recommended!), or you can check out the guide below. Not only will we give you a rundown of the types of gluten-free pasta out there but we’ll also clue you in regarding some of the most […]

Hot Tea: It’s a Steamy Love Story

Serving and enjoying hot tea is a daily ritual in many countries. Most Brits wouldn’t dream of skipping their 4 p.m. cuppa. Good for them, because black tea contains the FoodTrient catechins, as well as flavonoids, theaflavins, and magnesium. These antioxidants help reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. They protect against certain cancers, help prevent dental cavities, and enhance weight loss by stimulating metabolism. The compounds in black tea also improve blood flow (by strengthening blood-vessel walls), lower blood pressure, and promote artery health while reducing the risk of blood clots. The caffeine in black […]

Blueberry Polyphenols: Boost Weight Loss

You can count on this newsletter to keep you informed about research findings of natural products that your doctor may not know about, or has deemed useless, choosing to uphold the status quo of the prescription drug dominated “medical establishment”.  So, here I’d like to tell you about the useful health benefits of a common fruit in fighting diabetes as well as halting the progression of metabolic syndrome – a close relative. The Common Blueberry Can Help Diabetes Research findings about the ability of the polyphenol compounds in blueberries (and certain other fruits) to fight diabetes, and other degenerative diseases, […]

Speed Up Your Mental Performance

Many of my older patients have told me that if they had to pick a condition to get as they got older, it would be something other than one that affected their brain and mental performance.  After all, who you are now, who you were in your past, your life’s memories are all stored in your brain.  If you started to develop impairment of your cognitive function, who you are may be decreased, or completely lost, to you.  That’s why I tell my patients to do everything possible to keep their brain function healthy and optimize their mental performance.  These […]

ENERGIZE! Foods That Will Give You a Boost

At this point in the year I start to lose my enthusiasm for my New Year’s resolutions. My energy fades. Fortunately, there are foods I can turn to that will help me. What a relief! And I’m not just talking about caffeinated beverages. They will boost my energy for a short time, but I’m looking for a long-term solution. I want foods that will stimulate my metabolism, help me build muscle, and help me grow new red blood cells. The catechins in green and black tea can raise your metabolism, so even if you drink decaf tea, you will get […]