920 results found for: Heart

The Uncomfortable Truth About Gluten-Free Food

The gluten-free diet has been widely adopted by people that don’t have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Why? Well, in many cases there is a good reason to try it out, but there are also many misperceptions that lead people down the wrong path. Can eating gluten-free really make you lose weight? Are all of the processed gluten-free foods healthy, and, are they healthier because they don’t have gluten? Why are gluten-free items located in the “health food” section of my grocery store? There’s certainly a lot to discuss, so let’s look at these questions and more. I can still […]

The Secret Behind Açaí

Each day, every cell in the human body must withstand an estimated 10,000 individual assaults from externally introducedreactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals. The progressive, system-wide destruction wrought by this continuous biochemical onslaught has been thoroughly documented in the scientific literature. In the older cells of aging animals, to take one example, researchers have found that one out of every three proteins is rendered dysfunctional by unchecked free radical damage. In the search for optimal defense against free radicals, scientists have focused intensely on berry extracts. A growing body of scientific evidence shows that berry polyphenols’ antioxidant capacity powerfully targets numerous degenerative diseases, from cancer and atherosclerosis […]

We’re Pumped Over These Powerful Pomegranates!

Pomegranates seem to be the darling of the anti-aging community. New stories appear almost every day touting the health benefits of this large red fruit native to Iran and northern India. Sure the dark red arils or edible seeds of the pithy fruit are tart and tasty, but do they deserve all the hype they’re getting? I think so. I’ve found some compelling research and recommendations by trusted sources telling me how pomegranates can help prevent cancer, reduce inflammation and risk of heart disease, and even fight dental plaque. So breaking through the leathery outer skin of the pomegranate is […]

Organically Grown Foods Have Edge

Scientists have long recognized the dangers of cadmium (Cd) exposure to the human body. This heavy metal is emerging as a major cause of vascular disorders, common cancers, osteoporosis, and kidney disease, and can also cause damage to the body’s reproductive and neurological systems. While tobacco smoke can be a significant source of exposure for smokers, the primary source of cadmium exposure for nonsmokers is through consumption of contaminated plant-based foods. A survey of all previous pertinent research (meta-analysis), appearing recently in the British Journal of Nutrition, concluded that organically grown foods are on average 48 percent lower in Cd than […]

A Fresh Spin on Salads

“Seasonal ingredients are bursting from the vines, and that means your options are virtually endless,” says Jeanne Kelley, a Los Angeles-based chef and author. For Kelley, a trip to bountiful is as close as her backyard. Between her garden, chicken coop and beehives, she picks, snips and collects fresh veggies, herbs, eggs and honey to create nature’s best recipes, including the signature salads she shares here. “Salads are hearty enough for dinner, and they’re perfect healthy lunches, especially for people who need a well-balanced meal mid-workday to help them maintain their stamina,” she says. “And contrary to popular belief, salads […]

Pumpkin Seeds Offer Amazing Health Benefits

While most people only think of pumpkins on Thanksgiving or Halloween, the seeds of this fruit offer an impressive cocktail of health enhancing and disease fighting compounds, vitamins, and minerals that can be consumed year-round. In addition, they are packed with tryptophan and essential fatty acids. Emerging evidence indicates that pumpkin seeds represent a potent functional food in the battle against heart disease, osteoporosis, bladder dysfunction, anxiety, and arthritis. Pumpkin’s History Native to North America, pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo) were first embraced by Native Americans for their multi-purpose properties before the fruit’s seeds were passed along to European explorers and spread throughout Europe. Pumpkins, and […]

Chocolate May Help Reduce Stroke Risk

Women who munch a bar of chocolate every week could cut stroke risk by 20 percent. The finding is based on a study of more than 33,000 Swedish women who ate the most chocolate but had the lowest chance of stroke. People who ate 66 grams per week, about a bar and a half, were 20 percent less likely to suffer a stroke, while those who consumed eight grams a week or less were at the highest risk, reports the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The findings bolster previous studies that highlight the benefits of eating chocolate and cocoa, […]

Blueberries Boost Longevity

Until recently, the majority of scientific research on blueberries has focused on the cognitive benefits of this fruit. Multiple studies have shown that blueberries slow age-related damage to brain cells and protect memory-associated brain regions from oxidant and inflammatory damage. The result is improvements in overall cognitive function. Researchers have uncovered new data showing that blueberries delay aging and promote longevity. In laboratory experiments, blueberries and their extracts have extended the life span in two different models of aging. Additionally, blueberries have been shown to fight DNA damage, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and even cancer. Rich in anthocyanins and pterostilbenes, […]