Everyone ages eventually. But you can overcome many of these troubling symptoms If you know how. In Dr. Joseph Mercola’s latest book, Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself, he gives you his top proven tools for fighting the effects of somatopause (the decline of your body’s hormone production as you age), including controlling your weight, getting rid of stubborn fat deposits, and slowing down the effects of aging so you can look and feel your best. If you’re currently challenged with a chronic health issue or excess weight, know that you’re […]
Health researchers (as well as your mom) have been telling you for years that you need to eat more fruits and vegetables for good health. Seems we’re always hearing something new about their many health benefits. And, now, I’ve got yet another reason for you to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially if you’re over age 50 and want to protect your bones. Potassium: The Cell Salt That Keeps Your Bones Strong If you’re over 50, you might not be getting enough of the cell salt mineral potassium. Especially if your intake of fruits and vegetables is not quite what […]
Here in Southern California we’re enjoying a break from relatively cold weather. But in reality, we have
If you’re over 40, I don’t have to tell you that you’ve probably gained some unwanted pounds. You may
Scientific opinion has flip-flopped on the issue of alcohol consumption. While various religious groups – some of them known for their health and longevity – prohibit its use, other people are convinced of the benefits of alcohol, especially when it comes to wine. The “French Paradox” has become a cliché in regard to the relative healthiness and low risk of cardiovascular disease experienced by a population that consumes a significant amount of fat but drinks wine in moderation. However, it may be wishful thinking to attribute the health of the French to wine alone, as there are other French lifestyle factors […]
As we age, one of our priorities is maintaining optimal glucose levels to avoid heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Fortunately, many Life Extension® members use supplements, hormones, and drugs to improve their insulin sensitivity, which facilitates the more efficient removal of glucose from the blood. Less well-known, however, is the fact that there are certain foods proven to decrease blood sugar levels! Specifically, barley and black beans have been extensively studied for their ability to maintain glycemic control. In this article, you will learn how these two foods have been shown to lower blood sugar and inhibit diabetes and other glycemic-stress-related problems such as cardiovascular disease and obesity. Including these two glucose-lowering foods […]
Lately, I’ve been cooking at home more often. And honestly I don’t miss the restaurant food. There are many good things that come along with cooking in your own kitchen. First, its fun! Secondly, you get to choose the menu and food ingredients to make sure that everything you consume is the freshest and healthiest possible. I’ve been using a lot of different spices. I learned that many of them not only enhance the taste of my food but are also very healthy for you. Today I want to recommend a few tasty spices that can help protect you from heart […]
For obvious reasons many people have opted to go grain free — celiac disease being the most common reason. But for others who don’t have gluten intolerance or other issues related to grains, the omission may be a costly one. At least that is what the results of a recent study imply. The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that a diet rich in whole grains may lower the risk of death. The results were published in the January 2015 issue. Whole Grains Lowered Mortality Risk by 9% Researchers analyzed the results of two studies including over 110,000 participants. Dietary habits were […]
This week, I have a fistful of flavor to bring to a new quinoa dish from my latest cookbook, The AGE BEAUFITULLY Cookbook. In Southeast Asia, where I grew up, the cuisine has been influenced by many countries: China, Japan, Spain, France, America, and to some extent the Middle East and Northern Africa. So I’ve been practicing fusion cooking my whole life. My mother ran a cooking school and my family operated multiple restaurants. My recipe for shrimp on sugar-cane skewers is a perfect example of Asian fusion food. It became very popular in our restaurants and then spread all over […]
Many people have never heard of annatto, also called achiote. The closest most of us in North America have