If you’re like me, I am always looking for ways to cool off in the hot summer weather. Who can think of cooking or eating in this weather? When it’s like this, I just want to drink my meals and what could be better than icy-cold smoothies that are full of healthy FoodTrients! Just for fun, I created several more exotic smoothie recipes with a few of my favorite fruits from Southeast Asia. Don’t be frightened by the fierce-looking jackfruit. It’s a native of Southeast Asia and probably first appeared in India. Jackfruit is a nutritional staple in tropical countries. It […]
In 2011, I told you about a study that found why a calorie-restricted diet could help you live longer. Now, I want to tell about another study that says you only need to restrict your calories 4 days out of the month to get some major health benefits, including living longer. Here’s the details… Why You Should Restrict Your Diet To Just 4 Days a Month If I told you that you could get rid of your belly fat, revitalize your brain tissues while you boost brain power, amp up your immune system, prevent, even help treat, cancer, and live […]
When I was in Italy not long ago, the tomatoes were so incredibly fresh and sweet, that I looked forward to finding tomatoes like that at home in Los Angeles. Now that it’s summer, it’s the perfect time to look for tomatoes at local farmers markets to see what’s organic, fresh and in season. I am always drawn to the variety of tomatoes that are available in the summer. The flavor is nothing like those pale, sad things you see in the supermarket in February. During the summer I’m inspired to use tomatoes in just about everything from appetizers and […]
I love seafood of all types and while I like salmon, it’s not first on my list of favorites. However, it’s so versatile, so nutritious and full of FoodTrients, I try to eat it fairly often. One of the things I am careful to do is to eat wild salmon as opposed to farmed salmon. Most experts agree that wild or farmed, the protein in all salmon is excellent and that it is loaded with Omega-3 fatty acid, which are good for heart health, your joints and brain function. Here are more health benefits to salmon: Improves bone density and […]
Do you enjoy hot and spicy Indian, Thai, Mexican or Creole foods? Yes? Well, you’ll be happy to know there’s a new healthy reason to eat more of them. Recent research shows that people who regularly eat hot, spicy foods have a lower risk of getting major diseases. Let me tell you why… A recent study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) revealed that people who ate hot, spicy foods regularly (at least twice per week) had a 10% lower risk of death. Those who ate these foods every day, increased their longevity by 14%. Why? Well, hot, spicy […]
Many of us hear the word “diet” and immediately think “ugh.” Hey, we don’t blame you. Restricting your
Despite the research showing the benefits of higher amounts of vitamin D, many doctors continue suggesting 400 IU daily. The common fear is that higher amounts will result in toxicity. However, a new study conducted by the Mayo clinic may just put these fears to rest. The study found that vitamin D toxicity is, in fact, quite rare. The results were published in the journal, Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Higher Blood Levels of Vitamin D Proved to Be Safe Previous research shows higher amounts of vitamin D protect against age-related diseases including heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. Based on these studies, […]
Like many big projects, writing a cookbook requires years of preparation, hard work and worry, culminating with that moment when you present your ‘baby’ to the world. I was excited to officially introduce my cookbook, The Age GRACEfully Cookbook to members of the press and culinary, health and wellness experts on a recent evening at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. My book is a collection of illustrated recipes that incorporate ingredients, which I call FoodTrients, that help you look and feel younger not only on the inside, but also on the outside. All of my recipes are the […]
I remember years ago as a kid reading about people in Bulgaria who lived into their hundreds. Part of their secret (besides hard, physical work and a little alcohol each day) was eating yogurt and drinking kefir (KEE-fur). Back when I was a youngster in Southeast Asia, yogurt was still a pretty exotic food without the huge selection we see in the dairy case today. Yogurt has rightfully been recognized as a ‘super food,’ loaded with protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorous and beneficial bacteria. Yogurt Facts One cup (8 fl. oz.) of plain low fat yogurt contains about 154 calories, […]
The U.S. is known for its skyrocketing rates of obesity and diabetes. But there’s a pocket of people (around 9,000) who have been found to live relatively longer and healthier life, on average. They are the Seventh Day Adventists of Loma Linda, California. People from this region tend to live about 4–10 years longer than the average Californian and make up one of the longevity hot spots in the world. So what is it about this community that makes them special? Below, we’ll examine their lifestyle and habits. How Do They Compare to Other Americans? The Loma Lindans are the […]