920 results found for: Heart

mortar and pestle with herbsmortar and pestle with herbs

How Do FoodTrients Work Like Medicine?

In all of my cookbooks, I have included a chart that lists the FoodTrients nutrients, their benefits, which foods are loaded with them, and their properties (anti-inflammatory) , disease preventing , etc.) along with my 9 symbols. Here are just a few examples: ALLICIN— Garlic contains the FoodTrient allicin, which is an anti-inflammatory that reduces the risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and cancer. So if you have trouble with rashes, allergies, swelling, or atherosclerosis add garlic to your meals whenever possible.     GINGEROL – The root of the ginger plant has its own very special FoodTrient called […]

Plant Proteins Can Lead to a Longer Life

Swapping animal for plant protein in your diet can lead to a longer life, research has shown. A large study found that every three per cent increase in calories from plant protein reduced the risk of death from all causes by 10 per cent. It was also associated with a 12 per cent lower risk of death from heart disease. In contrast, raising the animal protein share of calories by 10 per cent led to a two per cent higher risk of all-cause death and an eight per cent greater chance of dying from a heart problem. Animal protein foods […]

Mediterranean Diet May Help Maintain Brain Health

Elderly people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet may benefit from better brain health and a lower risk for cognitive impairment later in life, according to a new US study. “It suggests that a healthy dietary pattern and specific dietary components have impact on biomarkers of brain pathology,” senior researcher Rosebud Roberts of the Mayo Clinic’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center in Rochester, Minnesota, told Reuters Health by email. A Mediterranean-style diet includes fish, lean meat, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. The diet has been linked to better heart and bone health. Roberts and colleagues analyzed data from […]

What’s for Breakfast? Quinoa Porridge and Carrot Quiche

For those of us who grew up in Southeast Asia, big, savory breakfasts were the norm. A popular breakfast staple was smoked fish with scrambled eggs and tomato salad. Fried rice, fried eggs, sausages called longaniza (a bit like Spanish chorizo), and rice porridge with fish or meatballs were also regularly on the menu in most homes, but not in mine. My father, who was a physician and very health-conscious, always ate plain oatmeal, and he insisted we eat it, too, without berries, bananas or raisins. We reluctantly complied, but today I am grateful for all of my father’s health […]

Prickly Pear Cactus Is Spiked With Great Benefits

Sometimes I like to have fun with my guests and serve them something a little out of the ordinary. I enjoy seeing skepticism turn to pleasure on their faces when I introduce them to a new food they’d never imagine eating, but once they try it, they enjoy. Prickly pears, also known as cactus pears, are one of those foods. It’s the fruit of the opuntia cactus, which is the one with the paddle-like leaves (also edible, but more on that later). Prickly pears are popular in Mexico, South and Central America, around the Mediterranean and South Africa. In this […]

5 Healthy Foods for Your Brain

When reading Dr. Eric R. Braverman’s book, Younger (Thinner) You Diet, I was impressed by how much space he devotes to eating foods that promote brain health. I’ve known for years that eating the right antioxidant-rich, organic foods can keep your body young and healthy. But I didn’t realize how much our diet can affect our brains. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for feeding the brain, which needs fat to produce neurotransmitters. This means ingredients such as: Salmon – Salmon is an excellent source of heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, which can also help improve cognition. Fresh produce – One study found that seniors who ate close to […]


Chocolate Goji Berry Smoothie Bowl

This decadently rich chocolate smoothie bowl tastes like an indulgence, but it’s actually a rich source of energy-promoting carbohydrates, plant-based protein, and healthy fats. Cacao powder is similar to cocoa powder, but has no sugar, milk, or cocoa butter in it. It is simply ground cacao pods or beans, not treated with alkali powder. Cacao nibs are a larger grind of the pod. Serve these smoothie bowls for breakfast or dessert and feel free to use your own favorite toppings! Goji berries are packed with beneficial antioxidants and anthocyanins that help protect our cells from damage, inhibit the growth of […]

Lives of the Reishi and Famous (Mushrooms)

Mushrooms are a major FoodTrient food! Both edible and medicinal mushrooms contain properties including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant , immune boosting , and disease prevention effects. Two mushrooms backed by significant research that contain potent health benefits include Reishi (immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and good for cardiovascular health) and Turkey Tail (immune-boosting, anti-viral, anti-fungal) mushrooms. Our FoodTrients nutritionist Ginger Hultin did some digging into the benefits of both. You can learn more about the amazing health benefits of Reishi mushrooms here. Find out more about the incredible benefits of Turkey Tail mushrooms here. Reishi mushrooms aren’t something you will find fresh in your local […]

What’s for Lunch? Pack FoodTrients To Go

By Grace O Everyone is busy, which makes grabbing fast food or convenience foods so tempting at lunch time. There are many days that I have to go from meeting to meeting without any time to stop for lunch, so I find myself eating on the run. When I do have time, I’m always interested in checking out new dishes and new restaurants, but that can lead to way too much temptation. When it comes down to it, I know that if I’m to make the best choices for my mind and body, I should take my own advice and […]