An article appearing on September 12, 2016 in JAMA Internal Medicine brings to light new information on an old topic—the role of diet in coronary heart disease (CHD). By investigating archival documents at the University of Illinois, researchers at the University of California San Francisco discovered that a review published in 1967 in the New England Journal of Medicine that pointed a finger at fat and cholesterol was funded by the Sugar Research Foundation, although this fact was not disclosed. (Full disclosure of all conflicts of interest concerning an article has been required by the New England Journal of Medicine […]
Food is powerful. It’s your body’s source for fuel and directly affects brain and body function as well as preventing and fighting disease. Incorporating specific and high quality food into your diet can substantially improve your health. Super foods are nutrient-rich foods considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Some are powerful enough to help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk for heart disease and cancers as well as improve mood. Below are some superfoods to incorporate into your daily diet: Blueberries. The blueberry’s fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and phytonutrient content, coupled with its lack of […]
Even living in sunny California during fall and winter when the days are shorter and a little bit chilly, I like to prepare hearty, cool-weather produce that also happens to fall into the “superfoods” category. On the top of my list is pumpkin. Their many disease fighting and anti-aging properties make them a perfect go-to food during the cold, dark winter months. You may only associate pumpkins with Halloween, but fresh pumpkins are available from October through February. Pumpkins contain cucurbitacin, a steroid-like anti-inflammatory compound that may inhibit cancer cells. They are also loaded with carotenoids, which enhance the appearance […]
Eating apples every day could slash the risk of up to five different types of cancer, according to new research published in the journal Public Health Nutrition. Scientists found those eating at least one a day were much less likely to get lung, bowel, mouth, digestive tract or breast tumors than people who rarely or never eat the popular fruit. A review of over 40 previous studies, by experts at the University of Perugia in Italy, found the biggest benefits were seen in cancer of the stomach and oesophagus, where some data suggested apples nearly halved tumour risk. Apple eaters […]
Sometimes there’s just not enough time in a day. When I get home late from a long work day and need to create dinner, I have a few easy favorites that will save the day. Here’s my go-to solution for a quick, delicious and healthy meal — don’t go stir crazy — go stir-fry! Usually associated with Asian cuisines, stir-frying involves small pieces of meat or seafood and vegetables stirred rapidly in a large skillet or wok with a bit of oil and high heat. Once you’ve sliced and diced the ingredients, everyone had better be sitting at the table, […]
An exotic fruit that I love to eat is rambutan (available at These Malaysian fruits, which mean “hair” (rambut), look like small, red, hairy monsters. The somewhat rubbery brownish-red outer shell is peeled away to reveal a white, moist oval that is very similar to a lychee. It’s sweet, juicy, and subtle in flavor, not unlike the mangosteen. Rambutans are botanically related to lychees. They contain the vitamin C, iron, and phosphorous. Vitamin C helps the body resist infection, helps prevent cataracts, and aids in tissue regeneration to keep your skin young and fresh looking. Vitamin C also reduces […]
Herbs have been used in traditional and folk medicines for centuries for treating illness. People throughout the ages also had something on their minds that we still do today…longevity. Some herbs do in fact have research indicating they help with healthy aging for a variety of reasons. Whether an herb is improving sleep, lowering stress, or boosting antioxidant status, they are likely working against biological processes that cause the body to age. DNA damage, free radical damage and dysfunction of the body on a cellular level all may contribute to aging issues including disease of the heart, neurological system, or […]
When it comes to fruits and vegetables, there’s no reason to limit yourself to fresh items only. Especially when your refrigerator is nearly empty, you cannot underestimate the potential of pantry staples like heart-healthy canned tomatoes and anti-inflammatory coconut milk. Combined with some carrots and a little dried curry powder, they easily transform into a flavorful soup that’s ready to be enjoyed in well under an hour. Try it on its own or with Vegetable Crackers from The Age Beautifully Cookbook. SERVES 2 Ingredients 2 Tbs. toasted sesame oil ½ cup diced red onion 2 carrots (about ⅔ cup), peeled […]
The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but not so good at preventing chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of premature death—illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and others—claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn’t have to be the case. In Dr. Michael Greger’s book, How Not to Die, there’s lots of advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, to help you live better and longer. You will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle habits to change in order to prevent […]
Sweet Potatoes and yams are a staple during the fall and winter months. They owe their bright orange color to the carotenoid, beta-carotene, which help inhibit cancer and tumor growth. Beta carotene is an antioxidant that can also ward off free radicals that damage cells through oxidation, contributing to the aging process. Sweet potatoes and yams are also good sources of heart-healthy potassium as well as containing phytochemicals such as quercetin, a strong anti-inflammatory. They are delicious just baked in the oven, but I also like to include them in dessert. I make a Sweet Potato and Jackfruit Delight for a […]