In a growing market for Black cosmetics, Black women nonetheless have limited choices for products that score low in potentially harmful ingredients, an EWG analysis of more than 1,100 products found. Because Black women appear to buy and use more personal care products, the limited options could mean they are being exposed to more potentially hazardous chemicals. EWG researchers analyzed more than 1,100 products, looking at the hazards posed by their ingredients, and found that Black women had fewer healthy options based on the products marketed to them. Fewer than 25 percent of the personal care products marketed specifically to […]
When trying to live a healthy lifestyle, every day can feel like a battle. Forces are destroying our bodies and our minds. The standard American diet is making us sick; we are constantly bombarded by a fear-mongering news media; and we’re hypnotized by technical gadgets that keep us from our loved ones. Even our own genes can seem like they’re out to get us. But you can win the war. You can live your life to the fullest, be your best, and feel your greatest, and the key to victory rests between your ears. Your brain runs your life. When […]
I love turkey as much as the next person, but sometimes when I’m entertaining I want to show off my cooking chops. We all get into that culinary holiday rut of turkey, ham and beef roasts. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with those! But there are other entrees that are delicious, unique and could become your new holiday tradition. These are featured in my book, The Age Beautifully Cookbook. Roasted Pork Shoulder Pork shoulder is pretty tough, so I like to start this dish the night before and let it cook slowly overnight. This method will tenderize any tough cut of […]
Before the age of modern medicine, a healthy dose of sea air was considered enough to heal myriad ailments. And while science may have altered the vast majority of go-to therapies, there is still much to be said about the health benefits of being outdoors. A 2009 study from the Netherlands revealed that living within one kilometer of green space led to a lower incidence of 15 diseases. The relation was strongest for anxiety disorder and depression, the researchers found. Other conditions included diabetes, migraines and asthma. One of the key benefits of being outdoors is the production of vitamin […]
The holiday season has begun and nothing puts me in a festive mood more than the aroma of something sweet baking in the oven. For many of my friends, cinnamon is what puts them in a holiday state of mind. Made from the ground bark of a genus of trees called Cinnamomum, the top cinnamon producing countries are Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. There are two main types: Ceylon cinnamon, produced in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil, and the Caribbean, and cassia cinnamon, which comes mainly from Indonesia, China and Vietnam. Cinnamon is one of those delicious spices that also […]
Aging is a key risk factor for a variety of devastating, chronic diseases, yet the biological factors that influence when and how rapidly cells deteriorate over time remain largely unknown. Now, for the first time, a research team led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has linked the function of a core component of cells’ machinery — which cuts and rejoins RNA molecules in a process known as “RNA splicing” — with longevity in the roundworm. The finding sheds light on the biological role of splicing in lifespan and suggests that manipulating specific splicing factors in humans might […]
By Marissa Hermanson Standing in the produce section of your local grocery store, you have a choice. It seems like a small one: Which carton of strawberries to purchase, the conventional or the organic? But, in that moment, you’re making a choice that can have a big impact. As research increasingly supports the benefits of choosing organic, surveys reveal people are purchasing organic products more than ever. According to a Gallup Poll, 45 percent of shoppers actively try to include organic foods in their diet. And organics don’t just appeal to one type of shopper. The Organic Trade Association’s (OTA) […]
When it comes to dietary fat, what matters most is the type of fat you eat. Contrary to past advice to eat a low-fat diet – which contributed to over-consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates – newer research suggests that certain types of fat are beneficial and necessary for health. But although we’ve theoretically left the low-fat era behind, it appears many Americans have yet to fully shake off the shackles of fat phobia. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that, rather than adopting a low-fat diet, we should focus on eating foods rich in healthful unsaturated fats while limiting […]
New Year’s Eve happens to be my birthday, so I was born to celebrate holidays and special occasions with friends. Every year, when I’m in town, I like to have a big party on New Year’s Eve. My friends know that when I entertain, the food matters because I put a lot of thought into the menu and the evening’s entertainment. Whether you plan to host a small gathering of friends or a large party during the holidays, you can start the evening off right with some enticing appetizers. When people are drinking alcohol, it’s a good idea to serve […]
If you’re like me, you’re interested in foods that can give you high-density nutrition, protect you from chronic disease, help reverse disease, and even defy the aging process. And what better time to focus your attention on these important qualities of food than the New Year! Every New Year, I resolve to expand my knowledge of healthy, anti-aging foods and create new, easy, and delicious recipes to share with my family and friends. This year, a few unique and promising foods have already piqued my interest: goji berries, camu camu, spirulina, and mangosteen. All of them contain FoodTrients—my word for nutrients […]