920 results found for: Heart

5 Ways To Keep Your Brain Healthy

Too often, we neglect our brains when we think about our overall physical health. You may be trying to eat healthily or exercise more – but when was the last time you thought about the health of your brain? That’s what we thought! But the health of your brain is absolutely critical to your overall well-being. So read on, and see 5 of the simplest ways you can ensure that your brain is happy and healthy. These tips may help reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia later in life, and aid you in maintaining a healthier mind and […]

Baked Salmon with Argentinean Chimichurri sauceBaked Salmon with Argentinean Chimichurri sauce

Argentinian Chimichurri Salmon

This salmon dish is a great way to use fresh herbs, which provide a multitude of nutrients, including detoxifying chlorophyll. The salmon has heart-healthy fats. Chimichurri is a traditional Argentinian sauce of fresh herbs, much like an Italian pesto, but without the cheese or nuts. Feel free to play around with the herbs you have on hand, but we find cilantro, basil and mint pair deliciously with baked salmon! YIELDS 4 SERVINGS Ingredients For the chimichurri sauce: 3 cloves garlic 1/4 red onion 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar 1 Tbs. fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves 1/2 […]

Eat Like An Italian (Minus the Pizza)

Mediterranean cuisine has gotten a lot of attention for its potential impact on cardiovascular health. In fact, newer research in the Moli-Sani Study has added to the mounting evidence that certain food choices of Italians who live in the Molise region correlated with 37 percent fewer deaths during the research than those who didn’t make those choices. “Mediterranean diet” is a catchall phrase for cuisine found in Mediterranean countries; the diet generally features lots of fish and non-red meat sources, extra-virgin olive oil and plenty of fruit and vegetables, with additional flavor coming from herbs and spices, not salt. “There are components of the […]

BBQ tempeh sliderBBQ tempeh slider

Cherry Barbecue Tempeh Sandwich

Tempeh is a traditionally Asian fermented plant-based protein source made from whole soy-beans. Because of the fermentation process, tempeh also contains beneficial probiotics. With a meat-like texture, tempeh is a hearty substitute for meatless meals and pairs well with many flavors due to its own mild, slightly nutty taste. Try it with my homemade cherry barbecue sauce, a lower sugar and preservative-free alternative to store-bought versions. Yields 4 Sandwiches Ingredients For The Sauce 1 cup fresh cherries, pitted 6 oz. tomato paste 2 garlic cloves ½ cup water 1 tsp. fresh orange zest 2 Tbs. fresh orange juice 1 Tbs. […]

Live and Dine LA 2017Live and Dine LA 2017

Live & Dine LA Event Is a Foodie’s Delight

Los Angeles is not just the City of Angels, it’s the City of Food Angels who were out in force on Sunday (July 30) to support the Los Angeles Mission and to offer the over 1,700 people attending the event sample tastings. Angeleno Magazine’s annual Live & Dine LA event, which was held at the Fairmont Miramar in Santa Monica, honors the city’s most distinguished chefs and restaurants that help shape and evolve Los Angeles’ culinary scene, and the dishes they served were delicious proof of it. FoodTrients, the cookbooks and website created by Grace O and dedicated to the […]

Rosemary Blooms with Healing Properties

You’ve likely noticed the herb rosemary being used in creative culinary ways from infused cocktails to ice cream flavors recently but did you know that it also has some healing properties in addition to being fragrant and delicious?  A perennial shrub native to the Mediterranean, rosemary is related to mint and is used as a spice in leaf or oil form. You may even have it growing in your yard this summer as it is easy to cultivate, hearty, and sometimes even used in decoration or as a yard hedge. In manufacturing, rosemary is used for its fragrant scent in […]

New Rules Enhance Harm From Toxic Chemicals

SAN FRANCISCO – Earthjustice — on behalf of the Environmental Working Group and organizations representing consumers, people from low-income communities of color, Alaska Natives, parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, workers, and scientists — has brought two suits against the Trump administration for weakening key rules establishing how the Environmental Protection Agency will regulate toxic chemicals found in consumer products, building materials, and work places, as well as in our drinking water and food. Specifically, the lawsuits challenge two EPA regulations that set ground rules for how EPA will prioritize chemicals for safety review and then evaluate the risks of […]

Meet 8 Great Superfoods from China

Chinese cuisine has long been recognized as one of the great world cuisines, up there with French and Italian. But much of the familiar Chinese food in the U.S. consists of many fried dishes that are often loaded with salt, sugar and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Tasty, yes. Superfoods? Hardly. The truth is, traditional Chinese cooking is based on many healthful ingredients that are certainly considered to be ‘superfoods.’  When I was in China recently, the FoodTrients team and I were delighted to sample a number of Chinese dishes from Yantai (in the picturesque agricultural and coastal area of the Shandong […]


Top 50 Foods To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Did you know that the foods we eat actually play a role in the way we feel mentally? Foods rich in nutrients like magnesium, potassium, zinc, B-vitamins, vitamins C, E, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acid tryptophan can help the body process anxiety-producing hormones and calm the body reducing incidences of stress, anxiety and depression. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods for stress and anxiety. 1. Almonds Even a small portion of these nuts is packed with healthful plant sterols, fiber, and immune boosting vitamin E and B-vitamin riboflavin. During times of stress and anxiety […]