A balanced diet is an integral element of a healthy lifestyle for men, women and children alike. According to the National Institute on Aging, simply counting calories without regard for the foods being consumed is not enough for men and women 50 and older to maintain their long-term health. Rather, the NIA emphasizes the importance of choosing low-calorie foods that have a lot of the nutrients the body needs. But counting calories can be an effective and simple way to maintain a healthy weight, provided those calories are coming from nutrient-rich foods. When choosing foods to eat, the NIA recommends eating […]
You are what you eat and the foods you choose can affect all the body’s systems including the brain. Nutrients can boost memory and mental focus, but some foods can reduce it. When the brain is experiencing stress or inflammation, it isn’t as sharp. When it gets access to vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fat, it functions better. Foods rich in nutrients like antioxidant vitamins C, neuro-supportive B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids can sharpen memory and learning. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods to boost your memory: 1. Apples Antioxidants are generally good for […]
Lemon Spring Herb Bean Soup Spicy Lentil Soup Tomato Curry Soup Potato Kale Soup Moringa Vegetable Soup Savory Vegan Mushroom Soup Creamy Tempeh Tomato Soup Savory Green Pea Soup Asian-Style Chicken Soup
We’ve all heard the recommendation: eat no more than a teaspoon of salt a day for a healthy heart. But there’s one big problem with this: the vast majority of us don’t need to eat low-salt diets. In fact, for most of us, more salt would be better for our health, rather than less — not to mention, much tastier. Now, Dr. James DiNicolantonio’s new book, The Salt Fix: Why the Experts Got It All Wrong—and How Eating More Might Save Your Life, reveals the incredible, often baffling story of how salt became unfairly demonized—a never-before-told, century-spanning drama of competing […]
On November 2, Author Grace O was the featured speaker at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the USC Keck Medicine complex. She was invited there to speak about her cookbooks and her FoodTrients website to Keck physicians and staff along with cancer survivors and their supporters. Grace O told the crowd of over 75 people in the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute Seminar Room about how she began her journey with food and its healing properties. She spoke of the influence her parents had on her while growing up. She talked about her adventuresome palate and her willingness to […]
Last May, along with members of the FoodTrients team, my husband Rupert and I traveled to Yantai, China for the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards to receive the ‘Best in the World’ award for Innovation for my most recent cookbook, The Age Beautifully Cookbook: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from around the World. Inspired by the Olympic Games and their global spirit, the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards were founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau. Every year they honor the best food and wine books, printed or digital, as well as food television shows. This year books from 211 countries competed in […]
Need help fighting diabetes? The good news is that diet plays a major role in positively affecting health outcomes with this disease. Think beyond the blood sugars when assessing dietary management of diabetes — fat, fiber, and nutrients play a role in diabetes, cardiovascular and kidney health. While November is American Diabetes Month, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) hopes Americans will rally all year long behind the fight to end diabetes. According to the ADA, there are currently over 38 million Americans with diabetes. Nearly 98 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes. In the last 20 years, the number […]
Another day, another superfood elevated to the canon and, for once, it is something most of us already eat
Foodies are always looking for the Next Big Thing. At one time that was Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. Mideastern specialties such as hummus and falafel have now found their way to American menus. Here’s my prediction: in the near future we will all be enjoying foods from various countries on the African continent. A number of years ago, I discovered baobab, the fruit from an odd-looking tree native to Africa and Madagascar that contains high levels of fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and iron. The tree itself is called ‘The Tree of Life ’because, besides providing nutritious fruit, it […]
Readers of What’s Hot may recall an article published in 2016 which revealed the inclusion of publications provided by the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) in the composition of a 1967 review that blamed fat for the coronary heart disease epidemic. In an article that appeared on November 21, 2017 in PLOS, Christin E. Kearns and colleagues examined SRF-funded Project 259. As part of Project 259, researchers at the University of Birmingham evaluated the relationship between dietary carbohydrates and blood lipids in bacteria-free rats. The study found that there was a significant decrease in serum triglycerides in germ free rats that received a high sugar diet […]