The May 2018 issue of The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness published the finding of
Americans don’t live as long as people in most other high-income countries, but modest lifestyle changes could increase their lifespan by as much as 14 years, according to a new study. The study, published Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, examined how lifestyle factors like regular physical activity, not smoking, moderate drinking and a healthy weight and diet might raise life expectancy among Americans. Although the U.S. is one of the world’s wealthiest nations, it ranks 53rd in the world for life expectancy at birth, according to 2015 data from the World Health Organization. Researchers at Harvard University studied data from 123,219 patients compiled during […]
Though the recipe for a latte follows the same formula—X ingredient(s), plus dairy or non-dairy milk alternative, and of course, espresso—the combinations to create the perfect latte are endless. What’s coming down the pike are superfood lattes, or the milk of choice mixed with a superfood ingredient that offers specific health benefits. You might have stumbled upon some of the more popular or visually arresting sensations; if you haven’t yet, check them out on Instagram because you will be seeing more of them. During a three-month period at the end of 2017, #roselatte occurrences grew just over 11 percent; #tarolatte, 12 […]
Sorrel is a fascinating herb to add to your food repertoire. It’s slightly tart, tangy, and slightly lemony flavor is appreciated all around the world and is cultivated for a number of uses. Although primarily grown for use in food, sorrel also has a vast array of health benefits. There are a number of varieties of sorrel that grow in different regions of the world, and while many of them have slightly different characteristics and associated health benefits, they are generally the same. Some of sorrel’s benefits include: Improves eyesight Slows the aging process Reduces skin infections Strengthens immune system Improves digestion Increases […]
Why do we love Avocados? Let us count the ways! They’re a great source of fiber, delivering between 11 and 17 grams per fruit. They contain more potassium than bananas, and potassium
For such a delicate-looking and innocuous herb, cilantro, which is the leaves of the coriander plant, is a little bit controversial. People seem to either love it or hate it. Cilantro looks like flat leaf parsley, but it has a tangy, almost citrusy flavor. Long used in Asian, Indian, Caribbean and Latin American cooking, cilantro gives a bright taste to salads, salsas, meat, chicken and fish. I think it’s the secret ingredient to summer dishes, though you can find it fresh in supermarkets all year round. Given the chance, even the most skeptical can acquire a taste for cilantro. But […]
More than 90 percent of Americans fall short of meeting estimated average requirements for at least one vitamin or mineral. A big part of the problem? A diet heavy in nutrient-poor, refined and highly processed foods. Another culprit: modern farming techniques, particularly the practice of planting vegetable and fruit varieties that increase yields but result in less nutrition per bite. Getting the nutrients you need not only helps you avoid deficiency-related conditions, but also may increase your energy levels, keep your immune system in top shape and ward off chronic diseases. So eat as healthfully as you can, and use […]
Americans have a history of obsession with fads designed to help us live forever. But to what end? Death, notes author Barbara Ehrenreich in her new book, Natural Causes, still awaits us all. In this lively cultural history of our attempts to control our fate, she details the extreme lengths we will go to keep from dying. A razor-sharp polemic which offers an entirely new understanding of our bodies, ourselves, and our place in the universe, Natural Causes describes how we over-prepare and worry way too much about what is inevitable. One by one, Ehrenreich topples the shibboleths that guide […]
When most people think of inflammation, they think about swollen joints and arthritis. That said, limiting the amount of inflammation in your body might not be on your radar screen at all, especially if you don’t have joint problems. But inflammation is way more than arthritis, and reducing the amount of inflammation your body encounters should be on everyone’s radar. When any unwanted invader (such as a virus or bacteria) enters your body, inflammation is the body’s first line of defense. White blood cells are soldiers in the inflammation army, and they protect your body when it’s attacked. This is […]
Whether you want to sleep better, work out more or lose some weight, most people are ultimately after one outcome from making health changes: more energy. Food is the fuel that provides us that get-up-and-go feeling so we can accomplish everything we want to tackle. From a light dose of caffeine to hydrating foods and those naturally packed with B-vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, or fat for fuel here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods that help boost your energy to live your best life. 1. ALMONDS Aside from the natural energy in almonds – protein and healthy […]