920 results found for: Heart

Can Fasting Fight Cardiovascular Disease?

Despite being largely preventable, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and other relate conditions caused 2.2 million hospitalizations in 2016, resulting in $32.7 billion in costs and 415,000 deaths, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Many of these events were in adults ages 35-64, with over 775,000 hospitalizations and 75,000 deaths occurring within this group in 2016. If every state reduced these life-changing events by six percent every year, one million cardiac events could be prevented by 2022. But how can we do that? “Heart disease and stroke deaths are hitting middle-aged adults in record numbers,” says Joel Kahn, […]

Counting Calories Could Prevent Diseases

Research presented on February 11, 2019 at FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) Week London supports the potential for calorie restriction to protect against several diseases. The studies were conducted under the auspices of the Center for Research on Redox Processes in Biomedicine, which is funded by FAPESP. “We are looking at how changes to the diet affect metabolism and how that ends up changing the odds of having diseases associated with aging,” commented researcher Alicia Kowaltowski, of the University of São Paulo. In one experiment, a group of mice was allowed to consume as much food as they desired, and the number […]

Hormones and Aging: Doctors Weigh In

The FoodTrients team and I attended the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (A4M), which was held in Las Vegas in December. It’s three days of speakers, workshops and exhibits presenting clinical education and advances in the most recent research, studies and healthcare practices as they relate to wellness and aging successfully. Many of the sessions were geared toward medical professionals, but we were able to distill information to share with you in ‘civilian’ terms. There was a series of presentations on what hormones—male and female—do for the body in terms of anti-aging. Some of the presentations were a little […]

Expo West: A Taste of Things To Come in 2019 and Beyond

If it’s early March, you’ll find the FoodTrients team trolling the endless aisles of the Anaheim Convention Center near Disneyland for the latest in the world of food, beauty products and health and wellness. This is the 39th year for this annual event showcasing over 3600 exhibitors, of which 600 were there for the first time. These consist of manufacturers, marketers, and entrepreneurs of all stripes from companies as large as General Mills to a local couple perfecting organic peanut butter. They are all vying for the attention of 86,000 attendees, making Natural Products Expo West the world’s largest natural, […]

Can Breathing Exercise Slash Blood Pressure?

Could working out five minutes a day, without lifting a single weight or jogging a single step, reduce your heart attack risk, help you think more clearly and boost your sports performance? Preliminary evidence suggests yes. Now, a Rael-Science post says with a new grant from the National Institute on Aging, CU Boulder researchers have launched a clinical trial to learn more about the ultra-time-efficient exercise known as Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training (IMST). “It’s basically strength-training for the muscles you breathe in with,” explains Daniel Craighead, a postdoctoral researcher in the Integrative Physiology department. “It’s something you can do quickly in your […]

One-Dish Meals: The Beauty of Bowls

‘Bowls’ are having a culinary moment. They’re not exactly salads, not exactly soups. They can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Today’s bowls are defined as one-dish meals. They are typically packed with a lot of nutritious ingredients. They’re easy to make and are perfect for our busy lives. Asian cuisines have traditions of one-dish meals like ramen (Japan), pho (Vietnam) and bibimbap (Korea) — all characterized as bowls of fragrant broth, noodles or rice, some sort of protein and fresh vegetables. But the world of bowls has gone global and there is every reason to explore bowls inspired […]

Top 50 Foods for Energy and Performance

You can’t be active or workout without the right fuel for your body. The food you eat makes a huge difference in athletic performance and also for a quick stop at the gym. Foods that contain energy in the form of carbohydrates and protein in addition to certain vitamins, antioxidants and stimulants known to boost performance top the list of 50 foods for physical activity. Here they are: 1. Almonds The key to using almonds to fuel activity lies not only in their caloric density – a useful combination of healthy unsaturated fat, protein and carbohydrates – but also in […]

Silent Fire: How to Extinguish Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation in the body is a good thing … until it’s not. When you suffer an injury or an infection, your body’s immune system quickly dispatches healing cells straight to the source. If you sprain your ankle, for instance, you will almost instantly see and feel the symptoms of acute inflammation, which can be remembered with the acronym PRISH: pain, redness, immobility, swelling and heat. This type of inflammation is an essential part of a healthy immune system; it signals that the body is attempting to heal itself, and any pain and immobility you experience are a warning to you […]

Emotional Distress Can Cause Premature Aging

Several studies have shown that the chronic stress or a stress experienced over a prolonged period of time can contribute to long-term problems for heart and blood vessels. The consistent and ongoing increase in heart rate, and the elevated levels of stress hormones and blood pressure can make body lethargic and exhausted. This effect of stress on our health has been reiterated in many studies and we are quite familiar with it. The new studies on stress shows social isolation, untreated depression, prolong anxiety attacks and long-term unemployment can speed-up the ageing process by shortening the length of each DNA […]