920 results found for: Heart

Add a World of Flavor with International Spice Blends

I just love to travel! I’m endlessly curious about other cultures and have been fortunate to travel throughout Asia, Europe and North America on a pretty regular basis. Eating and exploring the food in each country or region really gives me insight into their history and how the people live. Spice blends are an easy way to bring international flavor to the most common of foods, like vegetables or chicken breasts. A few shakes of curry powder in an otherwise predicable tuna salad takes it to a new dimension. Following are some spice blends from around the world that are […]

Seafood Delivers Oceans of Great Recipes and Benefits

  As you probably know, 72 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. Having been born in an island nation, the Philippines, seafood was frequently on the menu at our house. The variety of seafood all over the world is astounding. When you think about it, seafood is one of the last “wild’ foods we eat. What makes seafood such an ideal FoodTrient, is that it’s: Nutrient-dense – For the number of calories in a three-ounce portion, seafood provides good amounts of vitamins A, B, and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and 30-40% of the daily […]

The Cure: Nature and Old World Medicine?

  Sunlight. Forest bathing. Fasting. Cold-water baths. Bloodletting. Leeches. Cupping. These ways of healing have been practiced in different cultures around the world for centuries. But as a cardiologist working with the most high-tech medical tools, Dr. Andreas Michalsen was taught that these practices were medieval and outdated, even dangerous. As he saw surprising results in his patients, however, Dr. Michalsen explored more deeply those seemingly “outdated” methods of healing. The more he researched, the more he was convinced by the power of natural medicine–naturopathy–to heal the human body. Over the past few decades, Dr. Michalsen has published the most […]

Supplements You Need for Every Life Stage

We keep track of passing time by different means—presidential administrations, our children’s movement through grades, fashion eras, simple decades. Life has many eras of growth and health, and if you’re a doctor, like Colorado-based Integrative Practitioner, Robert Rountree, MD, you would focus on physiology: childhood, post-pubertal teens, young adults, middle-aged, elderly. “There are definite differences in nutritional needs that correspond to each of those phases,” says Rountree. And the good doctor is, of course, spot-on. As you age, your nutrition needs change. Here’s where to focus in each decade of life, and the supplements that can help. Ages 0–10: A […]

Regenerate: Your Body’s Radical Resilience

Modern medicine and human health are at a critical crossroads, and the truth is that you, and not your genes, are in the driver’s seat. You are the one who gets to make informed decisions on how you use and nourish the evolutionary miracle that is your body. Combining analysis of cutting-edge scientific findings with our deepest ancestral wisdom and health-promoting practices, Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo, offers a time-tested program to help prevent and manage the most common health afflictions of our day — cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic syndrome. Antiquated thinking and scientific dogma have long […]

Kale-Cashew Pesto

Cashews are a sweet nut that helps to balance the sharpness of kale. I use Tuscan kale, which is mild and tender. It’s also called lactinato kale, black kale, or cavolo nero. This pesto is wonderful tossed with pasta, quinoa, roasted potatoes, or even spread on sandwiches. This recipe is from The Age Beautifully Cookbook, and it’s loaded with antioxidants, which prevent and repair oxidative damage to cells caused by free radicals. Kale is practically a wonder drug, with all its disease-preventing indoles (sulfur compounds), immune-boosting carotenoids, quercetin, vitamin C, and a bonus helping of bone-building calcium. Olive oil is […]

Cauliflower steaksCauliflower steaks

Cauliflower Steaks Are Great Main OR Side

Cauliflower Steaks with Goat Cheese These cauliflower steaks can serve as a vegetarian main course or sit beautifully alongside grass-fed, grilled rib-eye or Porterhouse steaks. Piment d’Espelette is the French version of paprika. It’s mild and full-flavored. You can use paprika or red pepper flakes (1 tsp.) instead. A member of the nutrition-packed, cruciferous cabbage family along with Brussels sprouts and broccoli, cauliflower is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich, and may boost both heart and brain health. Eating cauliflower provides impressive amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, beta-carotene, and much more while supporting healthy digestion and detoxification. Cauliflower has indoles (sulfur compounds) […]

turkey moleturkey mole

Turkey with Molé Sauce

Because so many of my FoodTrients fans love crock-pot cooking, I devised this easy recipe that can be made in a slow cooker or on a stove top. Traditional Mexican molé sauces may contain hundreds of ingredients. I’ve kept this one simple. My new FoodTrients Dessert Spice Mix adds antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. I spoon the turkey and sauce into corn tortillas that have been warmed on the griddle. Health benefits: Turkey contains the FoodTrient selenium, which detoxifies organs and helps skin stay elastic. The tryptophan content in turkey builds healthy neurotransmitters in the brain. Tryptophan is also found in dark […]