If you’ve ever played the lottery you know how it feels to lose.
Lentils contribute muscle-building protein,detoxifying fiber, and vitamin B6 to this hearty dish, making it both satisfying and energizing. The red cabbage, red wine vinegar, and leeks add a host of disease-preventing benefits: anthocyanins, indoles, isothiocyanates, sulfur compounds, and resveratrol. You can also serve this delicious salad as a main course. SERVES 2 Ingredients 1 cup of dried green or black lentils 5 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil 1 chopped leek (white part only) ¼ cup red wine vinegar ½ teaspoon Dijon mustard 1 minced shallot Sea salt and ground pepper to taste ½ cup shredded red cabbage ¼ cup diced […]
About FoodTrients We all want to be healthy and vibrant, and we all want to look and feel young. Scientists have identified many strategies for healthy living that help prevent disease and slow the aging process. For example, we know that antioxidants in fruits and vegetables can fight damage to our cells and chromosomes caused by free oxygen radicals; that polyunsaturated fats, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, can lower cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood, protecting our heart; that certain foods, such as ginger and mustard, can reduce inflammation, keeping our arteries healthy and our skin from swelling; that […]
RESOURCES Web Resources for Health The internet is a vast resource that can, at times, be overwhelming to search. How do you know which sources are legitimate and which ones are simply a waste of your time? We have compiled a list of sources, each unique in their approach to solving food, diet, health questions and more, and broken them into different categories. Some of the most powerful resources in cyberspace are available right here at the touch of your fingertips. Here are some health-related resources for you: Medical Research Organizations The Cleveland Clinic — Healthy Living Cleveland Clinic is […]
There is so much talk around superfoods lately and the health benefits of including them in your diet. As a doctor who specializes in anti-aging strategies, I can truly say that the addition of superfoods to your daily food intake will totally optimize your health and lower the risk of disease. That’s why I make it a priority to recommend green foods to all of my patients. Since whole foods and greens have recently become popular many questions about them still remain unanswered, so here’s a brief but informative insight to help you know more about how these foods can […]
Did you eat your veggies today? For some people the answer to this question is a resounding yes! While others find it hard to force down two veggies a day never mind the 5-9 servings recommended by leading health experts.
When it comes to staying healthy, I advise my patients to shop in the produce section of their local supermarket. There they will find all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is believed that veggies hold the key to keeping your immune system strong along with immune-boosting antioxidants necessary to ward off infections like colds and flu.
Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things you can do to slow down the aging process. This includes eating whole foods, exercising daily, not smoking, and keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum. Maintaining a healthy weight is right up there too for protecting your body against the threat of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardio vascular disease. When I advise my patients to be mindful of the foods they eat in order to keep them looking and feeling good, I am often asked the same question: “ What are the best foods for me to […]
I occasionally ate coconuts, drank coconut water or cooked with coconut oil when I was growing up in the tropics of southeast Asia, because I had always been told by my father that the fat in coconuts was bad for my health. My mother would regularly add warm coconut oil to my hair to make it
Like my patients, you often hear me talk about the importance of including optimal levels of antioxidants into your diet. So far, we’ve talked about Vitamin A, C, Vitamin E, selenium, resveratrol, garlic, to name a few, and the incredible health benefits they confer like fighting heart disease, diabetes and cancer. We’ve talked about certain natural foods that contain high amounts of these powerful antioxidants like blueberries,dark blue-purple grapes, strawberries, yams, Brazil nuts, and almonds for starters. Now, I’d like to tell you about another, new (to health research that is) superfood antioxidant that we haven’t talked about before. When I say the name of […]