920 results found for: Heart

Tropical Grilled Chicken with Mango-Habanero Salsa

      Chicken breasts are the perfect vehicle for zesty tropical flavors. Calamansi is a citrus hybrid also known as Philippine lime. It’s popular in Asian (especially Southeast Asian, Malaysian, and Indonesian) cuisines. If you can’t find it in an Asian market, you can use more traditional limes or lime juice. My Tropical Mango Habanero Salsa is not just good with chips, it’s also delicious over grilled chicken (or even steak or shrimp). You can serve this dish alongside my Jamaican Rice with Curried Corn, which is another delicious recipe in my new cookbook, Anti-Aging Dishes from Around the […]

Toss Summer Salads with Anti-Inflammatories

We’ve talked a lot about anti-inflammatory foods in this space before. However, it’s so important to anti-aging and your overall health, it bears repeating. And since it’s the apex of summer, I want to share with you some salad recipes that are high in anti-inflammatory foods and are at the peak of their deliciousness this time of year. Anti-inflammatory foods are those that have properties known to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural immune response that helps protect the body against injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can contribute to various health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, […]

Meet the Best Foods for Disease Prevention

(Knowing which foods can help keep you well and prevent disease is key to a healthy life. Staying well is the focus for the fifth part in our series on the nine benefits at the core of FoodTrients® and all of our recipes. What you eat matters, which is why we’ll explore one of these incredible anti-aging benefits each month and show you how they help fight the diseases of aging.) Disease preventing FoodTrients® focus on foods that can help reduce the risk of, or even help navigate chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Diseases are […]

Read This If You Want To Be Young Forever

Do you hope to live a long, active, and healthy life? Then you might want to put reading Dr. Mark Hyman’s new book, Young Forever: The Secrets To Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life, at the top of your “to-do” list. Dr. Hyman distills the new research on aging into clear and actionable steps for reversing our biological age and presents a definitive guide that just might revolutionize how we approach aging. Aging has long been considered a normal process. We think disease, frailty, and gradual decline are inevitable parts of life. But they don’t have to be. Science today sees […]

Tropical Mango-Habanero Salsa

The mangoes in this salsa give it a tropical flavor profile. Their sweetness nicely balances the zing from the vinegar and the heat from the habanero. This salsa is delicious over chicken or fish. If you want less heat, remove all the habanero seeds. Benefits: Mangoes, like all orange fruits and veggies, contain antioxidant carotenoids, which help inhibit cancer and tumor growth, reduce your risk of heart disease, and support healthy immune function. The vitamin A in mangoes supports the healthy growth of skin and hair and keeps your eyes healthy. Unpasteurized vinegar contains many different nutrients, including those from […]

Exercise May Help Manage Celiac Disease

When thinking about controlling celiac disease, one generally thinks about food -specifically, adhering to a strict, gluten-free diet. But recent research is suggesting that this may be only a piece of the puzzle. In addition to diet, moderate exercise could also help with managing celiac disease. It’s well known that regular exercise can have multiple health benefits, including weight control, increased bone health, improved nutrition, better blood circulation, lower risk of depression, better sleep, and a reduced risk of multiple diseases and ailments. One recent study suggests that moderate exercise may also help manage celiac disease by improving inflammation in the body. A […]

Grace O and Cedars Launch Studies on Aging

The Grace O Foundation and Cedars-Sinai recently announced the first two of four awardees of funds for research on nutrition and the diseases of aging.  The awards are part of a $300,000 research gift that the Grace O Foundation committed to support the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) at Cedars-Sinai last fall. Cedars-Sinai issued a request for application for studies on inflammation and the diseases of aging, and the role nutrition and lifestyle can play to prevent and/or minimize inflammatory diseases. One of the studies receiving funds will examine how diet and lifestyle might mitigate the […]

Grace O Foundation Announces Recipients of Funds for Research on Nutrition and the Diseases of Aging

LOS ANGELES, CA—July, 2023 – The Grace O Foundation and Cedars-Sinai announced the first two of four awardees of funds for research on nutrition and the diseases of aging. The awards are part of a $300,000 research gift that the Grace O Foundation committed to support the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) at Cedars-Sinai last fall. Cedars-Sinai issued a request for application for studies on inflammation and the diseases of aging, and the role nutrition and lifestyle can play to prevent and/or minimize inflammatory diseases. One of the studies receiving funds will examine how diet and […]

Good Gut Health Helps Prevent Diseases

(Digestive health is a critical player when it comes to your overall health. Learning which foods can help keep you well and positively improve everything from your mood to how your body absorbs nutrients. Staying well is the focus for the sixth part in our series on the nine benefits at the core of FoodTrients® and all of our recipes. What you eat matters, which is why we’ll explore one of these incredible anti-aging benefits each month and show you how they help fight the diseases of aging.) You may be familiar with the phrase “gut health,” but in order […]

Anti-Aging Dishes From Around the World Wins Again!

    Grace O’s Cookbook Wins 6 Awards! 28th Gourmand International Awards 2023: The Gourmand International 2023 Awards: Grace O attended the Gourmand International 2023 Awards ceremony in Umea, Sweden, with members of her FoodTrients team where the awards were presented. Grace and her team celebrated receiving the 2023 Gourmand award for the ‘Best in the World’ in the Health and Nutrition category for her cookbook, Anti-Aging Dishes from Around the World (Skyhorse/August 2022/Hardcover). Because this cookbook won a national award for Health and Nutrition, we were eligible to compete in the international competition for the ‘Best in the World’ award. Grace O is […]