June 9, 2022

Mint: It Does the Mind & Body Good!

If you ask me, mint makes just about everything taste better. It also delivers some impressive benefits: Digestion: Mint is a great palate cleanser, and it promotes digestion. It also soothes the stomach in case of indigestion or inflammation. When your stomach feels sick, drinking a cup of mint tea can give you relief. Nausea and Headache: The aroma of mint leaves, especially freshly crushed leaves help you deal with nausea and headache. Asthma: Regular use of mint is very beneficial for asthma patients, as it is a good relaxant and relieves congestion. But using too much mint this way can also […]
May 30, 2022

Age Beautifully with FoodTrients

As I’ve been telling my story these past few years about how I developed an anti-aging cookbook based on the food-is-medicine principle called FoodTrients, I’ve expanded my method for creating delicious, comforting recipes designed to keep you young, healthy and beautiful. It’s a lot easier than I imagined, and it’s the focus of The AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from Around the World. The recipes are mainly quick and easy to make, and will introduce readers to age-defying foods and flavors from around the world, with a focus on beauty that emanates from the inside. As I […]
August 1, 2016

What Foods Can Help Us Detox Our Bodies?

We can overwhelm our liver and its ability to pull toxins out of our body; yeast and parasites can inhabit our bowels; and secondhand smoke and air pollution can affect our lungs. So, about once every few months, or whenever I’m not feeling well, I go on a detoxification regimen. I like to cleanse my whole system through herb-spiked liquids, healing foods, and nutritional supplements. Pure water may be the ultimate detoxifying flush for kidneys, liver, lungs, and bowels, but green tea is also excellent.  Here is a list of my top 10 favorite detoxing foods: Artichokes Daikon radish Chia […]