February 13, 2024

Beginner’s Guide Explains Ayurveda

When Susan Weis-Bohlen came across the Ayurvedic cleansing technique of panchakarma, she could not have imagined how the wisdom of Ayurveda would take shape in her life. What began as the release of damaging toxins and personal difficulties eventually grew into an impassioned vocation to guide others in their journeys towards a healthier state of mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda is a profound science with wisdom spanning so wide that it can be difficult to know exactly where to begin. As an Ayurvedic consultant, Weis-Bohlen helps those who are new to Ayurveda address this exact issue. In Ayurveda Beginners Guide […]
October 24, 2017

What are the Essentials of Ayurveda?

Delicious Living caught up with Heather Baines, an Ayurveda practitioner at Roots of Wellness Ayurveda in Boulder, Colorado. She has been practicing and teaching Ayurveda for five years. We asked Heather to introduce us to the basics. Delicious Living: What is Ayurveda? Heather Baines: Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest systems of medicine, and the word Ayurveda itself is the combination of two Sanskrit words: 1) Ayu, which is often simply interpreted as “life,” and 2) Veda, which means “knowledge.” Ayurveda is a time-tested system of medicine aimed at the totality of health—a healthy mind, a healthy body and […]