July 14, 2024

Fight Allergies with Apple Barley Salad!

When pollen is flying through the air on a summer breeze, foods that reduce allergy symptoms can be a lifesaver. I immediately head to my kitchen to make my Apple Barley Salad. Eating specific compounds—such as the FoodTrients omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, gingerol, oleuropein, and quercitin, as well as probiotics—go a long way toward reducing the swelling of nasal passages and the production of antihistamines. The old adage about an apple a day is really true for allergy sufferers. Apples contain quercitin, which supports the immune system, reduces inflammation, and may reduce allergic sensitivity. Quercitin is found not only in […]
May 20, 2024

Put These Good-for-You Grains on Your List

Cultivating grains is what changed our Neolithic ancestors from hunter-gatherers to an agrarian society about 10,000 years ago. In the grass family of plants, grains are a part of the human diet all over the world, providing complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals. I’ve put together a list of grains, some of which you may have heard of and some that may be completely new to you. Among them are ancient grains that people are rediscovering and incorporating into meals in creative and tasty ways. Characteristically, these grains are unrefined, have a firmer texture and more flavor than highly processed […]
February 13, 2024

Apple Barley Salad Delivers Fiber & Detoxing

Apple Barley Salad Barley is a great source of detoxifying fiber, B vitamins, and selenium. I pair it with apples in this bright, crunchy salad. For the corn kernels, I prefer fresh-roasted corn, but you can use thawed frozen corn kernels, too.  The apples can be any variety or color that you like, or even a combination. All apples contain quercetin, a compound that helps support the immune system, thereby “keeping the doctor away.” Raisins provide antioxidants and resveratrol, the same heart-healthy compound found in red wine. My Honey-Lime Dressing increases the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunity-boosting components of this recipe. […]
October 31, 2016

Ancient Grains May Lower Risk of Heart Problems

Eating bread made from trendy ancient grains such as spelt, barley or quinoa protects against heart disease, according to new research. The study shows eating bread made with ancient grains could help lower cholesterol and blood glucose — leading risk factors for heart attacks and strokes. The researchers said that compared to modern grain varieties, which are often heavily refined, ancient grains offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory profiles. They also contain beneficial vitamins (B and E), as well as minerals such as magnesium, iron and potassium which protect against chronic diseases. The Italian research team said the findings, published in the […]
March 10, 2015

Foods That Safely Reduce Blood Glucose

As we age, one of our priorities is maintaining optimal glucose levels to avoid heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Fortunately, many Life Extension® members use supplements, hormones, and drugs to improve their insulin sensitivity, which facilitates the more efficient removal of glucose from the blood. Less well-known, however, is the fact that there are certain foods proven to decrease blood sugar levels! Specifically, barley and black beans have been extensively studied for their ability to maintain glycemic control. In this article, you will learn how these two foods have been shown to lower blood sugar and inhibit diabetes and other glycemic-stress-related problems such as cardiovascular disease and obesity. Including these two glucose-lowering foods […]