June 14, 2024

Key Gluten-Free Carbs You Need To Include in Your Diet

When you found out you had to follow a gluten free diet, you probably had some anxiety. How were you going to eliminate major staples like bread, pasta, and cereal from your diet? The reason why it’s so difficult is because these foods are omnipresent throughout the average American diet. For the cereal-eater, breakfast becomes tough. For the sandwich-eater, lunch becomes challenging. For the pasta-eater, dinner becomes a struggle. The fact is, carbohydrates are important—and these grain-based foods are the ones most people are familiar with. Differentiating Between Good and Bad Carbs Carbohydrates provide energy to every cell in your […]
October 1, 2019

The Facts on Carb Loading

The single most important nutritional factor in athletic performance is, you guessed it, carbohydrate intake. As we dash into marathon and track season, many athletes are looking for ways to fuel their bodies properly and have an edge over the competition. Carbohydrates are indispensable to athletes; they are nature’s high-octane fuel for the body. Implementing carbohydrate loading is a relatively simple way to maximize performance. However, despite what your high school coach might have told you, it’s not just eating spaghetti the night before the event. Here are some tips for doing it right: Start early. Effective carb loading begins […]
January 2, 2019

Is A High Carb Diet Good For Older Brains?

Research published in the November 20, 2018 issue of Cell Reports suggests a potential benefit for a diet low in protein and high in complex carbohydrates in older individuals. Acting on the findings of a study conducted in 2015 at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre which revealed that a low-protein, high- carbohydrate diet was as effective as a calorie restricted diet in regard to extending the life of mice, Professor of Geriatric Medicine David G. Le Couteur and colleagues evaluated the effects of three unrestricted low-protein, high-carbohydrate diets and a control diet on the brain’s hippocampus, which is an area involved in […]
August 8, 2018

Whole Grain Carbs Less Likely To Damage Teeth

An examination of research on oral health, commissioned by the World Health Organizatio (WHO), has
January 31, 2017

Lose Weight, Feel Great, With Slow Carbs

Spring is just around the corner and many of my patients are frantic to lose weight so they can get into all those lighter, more revealing clothes they promised themselves they would fit into with their New Year’s resolutions. There’s so much confusion out there about which is the best, fastest, safest way to lose weight! Low carb Atkins-style diets have proven successful for some but too hard to stick to for others. Low-fat, low calorie diets can work but also may take a very long time to show results. Allow me to share a better, more effective way to […]