July 30, 2024

Know How To Eat? This Book Makes It Easy

Shouldn’t “how to eat” be clear already? In a way, it is. Every animal knows how to eat, and only in humans (and the animals under their control) has this been perverted. In the last century or so, we’ve been led astray. And we’re so far from our origins that it’s proving hard to find our way back. Yet there’s nothing more important: Food is the fuel that runs every function of the complex human machine. It is the source of construction material for the growing bodies of children and all the replacements adult bodies require each day. What we […]
March 12, 2024

Prebiotics: Why Do We Need Them?

Prebiotics are the fuel that feed probiotics and make them effective in supporting human health – especially gut health. But what are they and where do you find them? Questions abound about this frequently talked about but often misunderstood component of food that all of us need for good health. Do not get prebiotics confused with the very similar-sounding probiotics. Prebiotics exist naturally in food as non-digestible component that supports good bacteria in your lower gut. They are a type of carbohydrate that cannot be broken down. Prebiotic food compounds pass through the small intestine undigested so that good bacteria […]
September 10, 2023

10 Simple Ways For You To Love Your Age

Age–the older we get the stronger the messages become: you’re no longer attractive, you’re invisible, your health is failing, you are out of style and over the hill. But wait . . . here comes Barbara Hannah Grufferman with a book that will blast those demeaning and degrading messages to smithereens and even make you love your age! The book is called LOVE YOUR AGE: The Small-step Solution To a Better, Longer, Happier Life and it belongs on the nightstand of every woman who has kissed her half-century birthday goodbye. Warm, engaging, and user-friendly, this powerful, practical guide to aging […]
August 30, 2023

Try One-bowl Meals from Around the World

The growing trend of one-bowl meals just keeps going. I enjoy creating a blend of flavors, spices and textures in my bowl recipes and find them to be delicious, satisfying meals. The legend of the Buddha carrying a bowl with him on his journeys and accepting food as donations to be eaten at the end of the day is the origin of the Asian-inspired “Buddha Bowl.” If the Enlightened One had lived in Morocco, a Buddha Bowl would probably have contained couscous and the spice blend, zaatar. Or if he travelled throughout Peru, at the end of the day his […]
November 21, 2022

5 Day-To-Day Ways To Trim Holiday Fat All Year Long

We see holidays as an excuse to eat bad things. First up is Easter with all chocolate eggs and marshmallow bunnies associated with that. July 4th: hot dogs, hamburgers, and potato salad. Halloween: need I even mention it? Thanksgiving: an excuse to completely gorge yourself of your own body’s weight full of turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. Christmas/Hanukkah: meat, casseroles and cookies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for an entire week. Valentine’s Day: chocolate hearts, chocolate bath salts, chocolate teddy bears, chocolate roses, chocolate fountains, chocolate husbands… So how do we overcome the massive amounts of junk food at our […]
August 11, 2020

Does Science Support Plant-Based Eating?

There’s no confusion about death rates. Diseases affected by unhealthy eating are the leading causes of death in the United States. In fact, poor dietary factors have now surpassed tobacco use as the leading lifestyle choice that causes death. That is, aside from unfortunate accidents and some cancers, major portions of the top risks of death are within our control. What we eat matters. As a human race, we have the knowledge about what is more harmful and what is more helpful to eat when it comes to our physical, mental and, yes, even our emotional, health. Nutrition research is […]
April 29, 2020

EWG’s Top Tips for Eating Well During a Pandemic

As all Americans struggle to adapt to the new reality of daily life in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG’s) mission to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment is more relevant than ever. During this difficult time, EWG will continue to provide science-based, practical recommendations for consumers so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. Healthy eating is key to supporting your immune system during the coronavirus pandemic. But it can be stressful to go to the grocery store these days. That’s why EWG’s researchers have put […]
March 19, 2019

The Secret Life of Fat Is Exposed

The secret to losing 20 pounds? You have to work with your fat, not against it. You may not love your fat, but your body certainly does. In fact, your body is actually endowed with many self-defense measures to hold on to fat. For instance, fat can use stem cells to regenerate, increase our appetite if it feels threatened, and use bacteria, genetics, and viruses to expand itself. How can you succeed against odds like that? By using the latest scientific research. Author Sylvia Tara’s new book, The Secret Life of Fat, brings together cutting-edge research with historical perspectives to reveal fat’s true identity: an endocrine organ that, […]