July 30, 2022

Pursue Your Passions & Grow Bolder Not Older

Remember when you were a kid and your parents, or some older relative, teacher, neighbor, etc, told you to “act your age” when you were just enjoying yourself? What it really meant, though, was to act more mature, or older, than you were and forego the fun as well.  As a result, many of us learned at an early age to put enjoyment by the wayside in an effort to behave the way everyone told us we should for our age. Now that you’re older, acting your “age”, for some, may mean sitting around watching television but to others it […]
July 19, 2022

Make Your Own Anti-Aging Serum at Home

Late night infomercials are full of different doctors selling their anti-aging skin serums and formulas.  Although they may work great, they’re often too expensive for the average person to buy every month.  In addition, there’s something else about these formulas they don’t tell you – the potency of the vitamins in them can be greatly diminished by the time you receive them.  But you can get a high potency anti-aging skin treatment every week for far less cost by making your own simple formula at home.  Let me show you how… This Simple Formula Fades Age Spots, Decreases Wrinkles Vitamin […]
June 2, 2022

Speed Up Your Mental Performance

Many of my older patients have told me that if they had to pick a condition to get as they got older, it would be something other than one that affected their brain and mental performance.  After all, who you are now, who you were in your past, your life’s memories are all stored in your brain.  If you started to develop impairment of your cognitive function, who you are may be decreased, or completely lost, to you.  That’s why I tell my patients to do everything possible to keep their brain function healthy and optimize their mental performance.  These […]
May 31, 2022

Natural Steps To Liver Health

When I suspected liver malfunction in one of my patients recently, he protested. He assumed that his liver was fine since he didn’t drink large amounts of alcohol. His assumption was a common one. Whenever I mention liver problems, most of my patients think of cirrhosis (associated with excessive alcohol consumption) or hepatitis, a viral disease with particular risk factors. They assume there’s not much else to worry about when it comes to liver health. Perhaps it’s an assumption you’ve made yourself. But just because you are not at risk for cirrhosis or hepatitis, that doesn’t mean you’re doing all […]
May 30, 2022

Save Your Eyes with Collagen

Anti-Aging Medicine wouldn’t be complete without proper respect being given to this behind-the-scenes amazing nutrient that literally helps hold your entire body together – collagen. It is the second most common substance in your body next to water. Not only does it help “knit” your skin together to keep your skin from sagging but it also helps the ligaments and tendons supporting your joints, stay strong to keep you mobile long into your older years.  But what I’d like to tell you about here is the amazing anti-aging benefits that collagen can have on one of your most important organs […]
March 28, 2022

Shoulder & Back Pain? Check Your Gallbladder!

Every now and then one of my patients will call me complaining of a kind of strange, uncomfortable pain in their right neck and shoulder blade area. Most often, they also don’t feel well either – a little nauseated, maybe a little stomach pain and don’t feel much like eating.  They wonder if they’ve gotten some kind of flu bug.   They’re often shocked when I tell them that it could be their gallbladder acting up and/or they may be passing gallstones! If this sounds like you sometimes, here’s what you should know about gallstones and gallbladder problems. Gallstones or Muscle […]
February 19, 2022

Certain Foods Cause Overactive Bladder

If you’re like several of my patients, you may have an overactive bladder which keeps you running to the bathroom with an urge to urinate frequently. Some people have smaller bladder capacities than others and therefore naturally have to urinate more.  Other people may be eating certain foods that can irritate their bladder causing the need for them to urinate. I’d like to explain to you what some of these foods are and what you can do to minimize your “going” issues. Overactive Bladder – What Is It? Overactive bladder is a mild to severe condition that can not only become a […]
January 1, 2022

Eating Healthy All Winter

What is the easiest way to get in shape for your summer vacation? It’s eating healthy during the cold winter months and skipping the beach-body crash diets of years past. As soon as temperatures start rising, I see patients trying to lose the extra pounds that crept on around the holidays and stayed through the winter. I’m here to tell you how to maintain a healthy body with smart seasonal eating so you can avoid the summer diet panic. We all know crash diets are unhealthy and rarely effective. The key to healthy weight loss is replacing processed unhealthy foods with better […]
December 20, 2021

Holiday Fun With Sensible Drinking

It’s the holidays again and with them come all those holiday office parties, family get-togethers, and meeting friends for dinner and drinks.  It’s a season designed for fun and warm relationships with everyone you know.  Because of that, it’s also a time when many people are inclined to drink more alcohol than usual.  That’s why I’ve put together a list of 5 easy ways to stay healthy and get more fun out of your holidays by simply drinking more sensibly, or not at all! Let me explain what I mean. 5 Ways to Sensibly Manage Your Holiday Alcohol First of […]