Discover Our Anti-Aging Recipes

The worlds of food and medicine have never been as connected as they are today, but we all have much to learn about anti-aging superfoods and the health benefits they offer. The anti-aging recipes on are developed to deliver a variety of healthy aging benefits along with great-tasting anti-aging dishes. Each recipe includes one of our 9 benefit icons, which include anti-inflammatory recipes, detox recipes, antioxidant recipes, disease preventing recipes, immunity boosting food, recipes for gut health, and much more.

At FoodTrients, we believe that eating for longevity should be both delicious and functional. Healthy aging is about wellness and vitality, and our anti-aging dishes, superfood recipes, anti-inflammatory food, and articles are a great way to spice up your life and your health.

Discover the benefits of anti-aging superfoods and how to age beautifully with our, anti-aging recipes, cookbooks, resources, and health news!

July 14, 2024

Meloniscious! How To Pick (and Eat) Perfect Melons

Today’s melons are way beyond your standard cantaloupes, honeydews and watermelons (though they are delicious this time of year). Exploring the produce section, I came across some newer variety melons I hadn’t seen before. Luckily, they were sampling.  Here are some varieties that you might want to sample for yourself: Sugar Kiss – Round with netted skin and light salmon-colored flesh. The texture is soft, juicy and sweet like candy. Golden Kiss– This is a very flavorful Charentais variety. You can spot it by the netted skin and distinctive green ribs. The flesh is firm and a deep orange color with […]
July 14, 2024

5 Amazing Age-Better Foods To Add To Your Diet

Food is Medicine! And some foods can provide benefits that will aid in healthy aging. Antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber support the body in many ways including optimizing longevity and wellness. Check out these 5 foods that can make you look and feel more vibrant today as FoodTrients discusses why you should incorporate them into your diet. PINK GRAPEFRUIT All citrus contains antioxidants, fiber and anti-aging compounds like vitamin C but pink grapefruit has some special benefits to offer. Antioxidant spermidine has shown positive results in some animal studies for longevity and in support of healthy cells. A […]
July 2, 2024

These Recipes Fight Aging at a Cellular Level

Antioxidants are one of our body’s best weapons when it comes to aging, because they fight aging at a cellular level and help keep cells from “rusting.” Antioxidants slow down aging because they reduce the amount of oxidative stress, which is the result of cells doing what they should do– creating energy, detoxifying the body, digesting food, breathing, thinking, or exercising. This work can generate byproducts like free radicals, which are unstable molecules that start oxidation. You need some free radicals to stimulate important physiological processes, such as helping the immune system function correctly and stimulating cellular pathways. However, when […]
June 17, 2024

Give Your Day a Lift With Mangosteens

When mangosteens are in season, from May to September, I can’t wait to get my hands on some to eat fresh and in my delicious chutney. I know that these exotic treats, sometimes called purple mangosteen, will soon be gone. These beautiful little fruits are about the size of a baseball. Dark purple in color, they have a tough outer shell. The top is crowned with small green leaves and the bottom is stamped with a flowerlike shape. They almost look manufactured, but this is how God makes them. You have to carefully cut a line around the tough outer pericarp—the […]
June 14, 2024

Ceramide Intake Reduces Appearance of Wrinkles

Make room on your beauty counter for ceramides. A clinical study has found that oral intake has been linked to reduced signs of aging—including wrinkles that are less deep, fewer fine lines and more moist, youthful skin. You’ve probably already heard of ceramides for skin in moisturizers—these lipids are naturally occurring in skin, but levels decline with age. Adding ceramides as part of an anti-aging routine has been a go-to for years; only more recently have the benefits of an oral ceramide come to light. Oral Ceramides Help Keep Skin Looking Youthful Ceramides in both topical and oral formulas come from grains, and help […]
May 20, 2024

Astaxanthin: An Antioxidant With “Star” Qualities

Many of my patients are on the lookout for anti-aging news and products that will help them stay younger-looking, stronger and healthier as they age.  Perhaps you, too, are looking for the best anti-aging products and information you can find.  Well, you’ve come to the right place, as anti-aging medicine is my specialty. I’d like to tell you about one of the best anti-aging substances out there – literally a “star” amongst antioxidants. Astaxanthin – An Amazing Carotenoid The Greek word “asta” means “star-like” and even has been translated as “love” itself.  Xanthin means yellow in Greek and is a […]
April 23, 2024

How To Keep Your Skin Glowing at Any Age

“You are what you eat” is an old saying I frequently repeat to my patients when they ask me what can they do to make their aging skin look better and younger.  It’s not only an old adage it’s really true! What kind of food, and other substances, you put in your body influences your health and nothing reflects overall wellness more than your skin. Here’s what I tell my patients about how to keep skin glowing and healthy at any age. Your Skin Mirrors The Rest of You It’s no coincidence that teenage skin often breaks out in acne […]
April 9, 2024

6 Life-Extending Plant Extracts

An interesting article recently revealed the discovery of life-extending effects for six plant-derived extracts in experiments involving S. cerevisiae, a variety of yeast that is frequently the subject of aging research. Six new groups of molecules from plant extracts you most likely have heard of were found to slow down the aging process. Researchers found that extracts of black cohosh, valerian, purple passion flower, Ginkgo biloba, celery, and white willow bark extended the life span of S. cerevisiae. Do Plants Really Extend Life Span? In the case of white willow, the average and maximum life span increased by over 300%, which is […]
April 9, 2024

Embracing Elderhood: A Plan for Longer Life

Finally! A practical guide to walk you through the process of planning for a longer life. Using her years of experience as an Elder Law and Estate Planning attorney, and the personal lessons she learned walking her own parents through this process, Laurie Menzies explains, in practical terms, the best way to plan for this stage of life. Her book, Embracing Elderhood: Planning for the Next Stage of Life, does not provide answers to the crisis of aging—instead, it offers options that are available both to the families with the foresight to plan, as well as to those who made […]
March 27, 2024

Taste the International Language of Chicken

Everyone loves chicken! That’s because it’s so versatile and takes on whatever flavors it’s cooked with. Chickens, as a source of high-quality protein, can be raised in small spaces and require relatively modest amounts of feed to grow rather quickly. Every culture in the world has a national version of a chicken recipe. Traveling the world and growing up in the Philippines, where the cuisine is influenced by so many cultures – Spanish, Asian, Indian, Polynesian, and American – I have been exposed to delicious dishes from around the globe. That’s why at FoodTrients we love exploring international flavors. What […]
March 12, 2024

Want to Live Long? Eat like the Japanese

The Japanese are the longest living people in the world and perhaps one of the healthiest. They have one of the lowest rates of obesity globally. And compared to the West, they have lower rates of heart disease as well. Now, it’s not definitively known why the Japanese live so long, but it’s most likely diet-related. Why? Because they tend to eat a range of disease-fighting foods on a daily basis. For these reasons, it makes sense to consider adopting certain components of the Japanese diet. Below, we’ll explore some of the key features that make it particularly healthy. Ready? Green Tea Green […]
February 26, 2024

Plant Proteins Can Lead to a Longer Life

Swapping animal for plant protein in your diet can lead to a longer life, research has shown. A large study found that every three per cent increase in calories from plant protein reduced the risk of death from all causes by 10 per cent. It was also associated with a 12 per cent lower risk of death from heart disease. In contrast, raising the animal protein share of calories by 10 per cent led to a two per cent higher risk of all-cause death and an eight per cent greater chance of dying from a heart problem. Animal protein foods […]
January 16, 2024

Holiday Recovery Time with Detox Juice

After the holiday parties and all of the tempting dishes and desserts, I want to get myself back on track health-wise. This Detox Juice will help rid your system of heavy metals, cleanse your liver, and clean out your colon. The chlorophyll in watercress helps to purify the blood of toxins. If you can’t get fresh watercress, you can use spirulina powder in its place. The watercress adds a spicy tartness to the juice. The beets are to sweeten up the mixture and give it a beautiful color, but they bring disease-preventing anthocyanins to the glass as well along with […]