Discover Our Anti-Aging Recipes

The worlds of food and medicine have never been as connected as they are today, but we all have much to learn about anti-aging superfoods and the health benefits they offer. The anti-aging recipes on are developed to deliver a variety of healthy aging benefits along with great-tasting anti-aging dishes. Each recipe includes one of our 9 benefit icons, which include anti-inflammatory recipes, detox recipes, antioxidant recipes, disease preventing recipes, immunity boosting food, recipes for gut health, and much more.

At FoodTrients, we believe that eating for longevity should be both delicious and functional. Healthy aging is about wellness and vitality, and our anti-aging dishes, superfood recipes, anti-inflammatory food, and articles are a great way to spice up your life and your health.

Discover the benefits of anti-aging superfoods and how to age beautifully with our, anti-aging recipes, cookbooks, resources, and health news!

January 16, 2024

How To Age Backwards: Look and Feel Younger

With the scientific breakthroughs of the last decade, we now have a choice as to how we age. We have the ability to prevent and reverse many of the signs of aging, such as stiffness, chronic pain, arthritis, and sluggishness. A 30-day anti-aging program for rapid results using the fundamental movements and principles of author Miranda Esmonde-White’s bestselling Aging Backwards, featuring an accelerated program for turning back the clock. In Aging Backwards: The Fast Track, 6 Ways In 30 Days to Look and Feel Younger, Esmonde-White offers readers systematic workouts to supplement and accelerate the original program, along with new […]
January 2, 2024

Top 50 Foods To Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Did you know that the foods we eat actually play a role in the way we feel mentally? Foods rich in nutrients like magnesium, potassium, zinc, B-vitamins, vitamins C, E, omega-3 fatty acids and amino acid tryptophan can help the body process anxiety-producing hormones and calm the body reducing incidences of stress, anxiety and depression. Here is the ultimate FoodTrients® list of the top 50 foods for stress and anxiety. 1. Almonds Even a small portion of these nuts is packed with healthful plant sterols, fiber, and immune boosting vitamin E and B-vitamin riboflavin. During times of stress and anxiety […]
January 2, 2024

How To Die Young at a Ripe Old Age

From the moment we are born, our cells begin to age. But aging does not have to mean decline. World-renowned surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry has been treating mature patients for most of his career. He knows that everyone thinks they want to live forever, until they hit middle age and witness the suffering of their parents and even their peers. So how do we solve the paradox of wanting to live to a ripe old age—but enjoy the benefits of youth? This groundbreaking book holds the answer. Working with thousands of patients, Dr. Gundry has discovered that the “diseases of […]
December 19, 2023

Pomegranates Add Pizzazz to the Holidays

When pomegranates arrive on produce shelves, they remind me that fall is here and the holidays are upon us. Pomegranates are in season during fall and winter, and they deserve a place on every holiday table because of their beautiful color and cranberry-like flavor. In my AGE GRACEFULLY COOKBOOK, I have a recipe for Pomegranate Iced Tea that utilizes the juice of this amazing fruit along with its beautiful red seeds. It’s a festive drink for any occasion. In my AGE BEAUTIFULLY COOKBOOK, I have a delicious recipe for Guacamole with Pomegranate Seeds, and if you love Brussels sprouts like I do, […]
November 7, 2023

What To Eat At Any Age to Fend Off Alzheimer’s

Put down the fork. Step away from the buffet table. UC Davis nutrition expert Liz Applegate wants us to think about exactly what we’re shoveling down our throats. Not just to lose weight but to protect our brains. “Brain food is real and it really does matter,” said Applegate, an author, professor and director of sports nutrition at UC Davis. She’s an advocate of the MIND diet, a combination of two long-studied diets that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. We talked with her recently about so-called “brain foods,” their impact on […]
October 23, 2023

Try 10 of the Best Heart-Healthy Nutrients

You may already know that cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in men and women in the United States today.  As such, you may be trying to improve, or maintain, your heart health. It’s really not that difficult if you understand that your heart, like the rest of your body, stays its healthiest with the food you put in it. With that in mind, I’d like to tell you about 10 of the best heart-healthy nutrients you can include in your diet to help make your heart its strongest. The Best Nutrients to Feed Your Heart First, it’s […]
October 10, 2023

Harvest Fall Vegetables for Delish Dishes

The change in season is such a wonderful time, even in temperate Southern California. Yes, the days can be hot, but the sun sets earlier and though it may still reach 80-plus degrees at 2:00 pm, evenings are cool, and thoughts turn to comforting, fallish foods, including vegetables. Most fall vegetables are available in winter, too, and most vegetables, for that matter, are available year-round thanks to farmers in Mexico and Central America. The key is that typically fall vegetables are at their peak this time of year, so take advantage of them at their best. Here are some vegetables […]
September 24, 2023

Magnesium Deficiency – Normal Sign of Aging?

Some of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients, especially those older than 50, involves muscle cramps and spasms, notably those leg zingers that make them jump out of bed in the middle of the night; trouble sleeping; and daytime stiffness or pain in their muscles.  Most of my patients laugh these symptoms off as just “getting old,” but they’re surprised when I tell them these are more likely symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, which can easily be corrected.  Read on and see if you have any of the common symptoms of low magnesium and what I recommend. […]
September 10, 2023

10 Simple Ways For You To Love Your Age

Age–the older we get the stronger the messages become: you’re no longer attractive, you’re invisible, your health is failing, you are out of style and over the hill. But wait . . . here comes Barbara Hannah Grufferman with a book that will blast those demeaning and degrading messages to smithereens and even make you love your age! The book is called LOVE YOUR AGE: The Small-step Solution To a Better, Longer, Happier Life and it belongs on the nightstand of every woman who has kissed her half-century birthday goodbye. Warm, engaging, and user-friendly, this powerful, practical guide to aging […]
August 30, 2023

Take a Tropical Vacation with These Recipes

If you dream of going to a tropical paradise for a relaxing vacation, but you can’t get away anytime soon, we’d like to bring a little paradise to you with some delicious ideas for tropical fruit treats. Just a whiff of these succulent fruits will take you away to the beach and thoughts of relaxing under a palm tree. You’re probably familiar with mangoes, papayas and pineapple. But there are so many fruits we don’t see often in the U.S. And most of these exotic fruits are full of FoodTrients® including vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and more. Full disclosure: You won’t […]
August 16, 2023

Grace O and Cedars Launch Studies on Aging

The Grace O Foundation and Cedars-Sinai recently announced the first two of four awardees of funds for research on nutrition and the diseases of aging.  The awards are part of a $300,000 research gift that the Grace O Foundation committed to support the Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL) at Cedars-Sinai last fall. Cedars-Sinai issued a request for application for studies on inflammation and the diseases of aging, and the role nutrition and lifestyle can play to prevent and/or minimize inflammatory diseases. One of the studies receiving funds will examine how diet and lifestyle might mitigate the […]
July 31, 2023

Toss Summer Salads with Anti-Inflammatories

We’ve talked a lot about anti-inflammatory foods in this space before. However, it’s so important to anti-aging and your overall health, it bears repeating. And since it’s the apex of summer, I want to share with you some salad recipes that are high in anti-inflammatory foods and are at the peak of their deliciousness this time of year. Anti-inflammatory foods are those that have properties known to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural immune response that helps protect the body against injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can contribute to various health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, […]
July 18, 2023

How To Prevent Age-Related Eye Disease

Once we pass the age of 40, we become prone to developing certain vision related conditions like cataracts and possibly macular degeneration. However, as I tell my patients, become proactive now to protect your vision! First, let me explain a little about both of these conditions. Cataracts are an outgrowth on the lens that distorts vision. Over 17% of Americans over 40 have cataracts and it is a very common vision problem. They are caused by aging, over-exposure to ultraviolet light, as well as oral and spray (as in asthma inhalers) steroids that get in the eyes. Cataracts typically have […]