Heart-Healthy Green Tea Noodles Ramp Up the Flavor

Green Tea Noodles with Edamame
Green tea, with its powerful theaflavins, is a strong antioxidant with vigorous anti-inflammatory properties, a heart-healthy addition to anyone’s diet. Green tea is wonderful to drink on its own, but it also can be incorporated into recipes. I use an old Asian trick for mixing more green tea into your diet with my Green Tea Noodles with Edamame. It’s an easy and budget-friendly recipe. Just boil soba, udon, or ramen noodles in green tea instead of water.
Green tea has far more age-fighting power than water. If you want to eat these noodles cold, rinse them in cold water after draining and use cold edamame instead of hot. Hot or cold, add my Tangy Ginger Dressing. It will keep the noodles from sticking and add extra flavor. Ginger gives this dressing its incredible flavor as well as amazing anti-inflammatory benefits and pain-reducing effects. It also relaxes muscles, increases circulation, and aids digestion.
Serves 2
2 cups brewed green tea
3 oz. soba noodles (udon, ramen or other spaghetti-style noodles)
1 recipe Tangy Ginger Dressing
1/2 cup shelled cooked edamame (soybeans)
2 Tbs. chopped scallions
Black or white sesame seeds as garnish
1. Bring the green tea to a boil in a small stockpot.
2. Add the soba noodles and cook for 3–4 minutes or according to package directions. Some noodles require more time. Be careful not to overcook the noodles so that the tea does not become bitter. Drain.
3. In a large bowl, toss the noodles with Tangy Ginger Dressing. Add the edamame and scallions.
4. To serve, divide between two bowls and garnish with sesame seeds.
Sulfur compounds