Healthy Answers: Reclaim the Energy of Youth
Dear Health-Minded Reader,
In the near future, your doctor may prescribe a new drug called Prasterone. It has some wonderful benefits: lowers your risk of cancer, beats depression, improves bone density, just to name a few. But the price tag will be in the neighborhood of $100 to $150 a month.
What the drug makers don’t tell you is that Prasterone is nothing more than a synthetic version of DHEA – the natural hormone I’ve been talking about for years.
In today’s Health Alert, I’ll show you how to tap the power of this hormone – without paying hundreds of dollars.
*Let the Good Times Roll *
I call DHEA the “anti-stress hormone.” It’s the most abundant product of the adrenal glands. DHEA is the precursor used by your body to produce sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. You have a lot when you’re young but production dwindles with age.
Most hormones decline with age but cortisol – the stress hormone – actually increases with age. Cortisol then plays havoc with your body. During times of stress, your body doesn’t worry about long-term maintenance like building your immune system or laying down new bone or muscle.
When you are under stress cortisol tells your body “just get through the moment, to hell with tomorrow.” Since it inhibits maintenance and repair, cortisol accelerates aging. It’s like burning your candles at both ends. DHEA, however, is the natural counter to cortisol.
You secrete DHEA when times are good – when you’re well fed, secure and free of stress. The more DHEA in your body, the less effect stress will have on you. DHEA boosts the production of sex hormones and creates a slew of health benefits. It is a crucial part of being youthful.
* Reclaim the Energy of Youth *
DHEA disappears fast. By the time you are 65 years old, you’ll only have about 10% of the DHEA you had when you were 20.
People with higher levels of DHEA experience:
- Less stress
- Enhanced energy
- A boost in immune system function
- Reduced body fat
- Increased libido
- Sharper memory
- A reverse of wrinkles and signs of physical aging
DHEA is becoming more popular as a supplement. I use DHEA at my clinic regularly. DHEA therapy has successfully treated many of my patients who suffer from lack of energy, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
It is important for you to get your DHEA levels checked. Your doctor can perform the simple test. Youthful levels of DHEA for men range from 400 to 560. For women, levels should range from 350 to 430.
After your levels have been checked, you can determine optimal dosing. A common starting dose that I use is 10 mg daily. DHEA is absorbed well and can be taken at any time but best mimics the natural daily fluctuation when taken first thing in the morning.
What’s more, DHEA is very affordable. Surf the Internet and do some comparison-shopping. I recently found 300 capsules – at the 10 mg dose – for just $14.99.
View original article here at Healthy Answers