July 2, 2024

These Are the 10 Top Herbs To Support Your Liver

Liver disease is more common than you may realize and has many negative health effects to be aware of. In the United States, about 4.5 million adults live with chronic liver disease including hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), alcoholic liver disease, liver cancer, cirrhosis, and liver failure. Having high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar, a high body mass index (BMI), and excessive alcohol intake can all increase your risk but the good news is — there’s a lot you can do to support your liver, too. Herbs and foods that support or protect the liver do so mainly by […]
October 10, 2023

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: the Top 10

There’s a connecting between inflammation and anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle that’s important to your health. What you eat has a big influence. Inflammation is a natural response of the body in times of illness or stress. For example, if you cut your hand, you would experience pain, redness, swelling, and irritation to the area. This is inflammation that you can see – and it’s an important part of healing — but this response also happens internally and if left unchecked, can cause chronic health problems. Chronically elevated inflammation is associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and other cognitive issues, type 2 […]