November 15, 2016

Focus On Omega-3s Rather Than Calories

To help manage the obesity pandemic, governments should focus on the restoration of an optimal balance of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids rather than on calories, according to an editorial appearing recently in the journal Open Heart. An imbalance in the amount of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids consumed is a relatively new phenomenon that was never a part of human evolution, note authors Artemis Simopoulos of the Center for Genetics, Nutrition, and Health in Washington DC, and James DiNicolantonio of Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri.  Historically, humans have consumed equal amounts of omega […]
September 20, 2016

More Omega-3s in Organic Milk and Meat

Organic milk and meat pack about 50 percent more omega-3s than conventional milk and meat, according to a new study published in British Journal of Nutrition. In the biggest study of its kind, researchers from the U.K.’s Newcastle University systematically analyzed an international collection of 196 papers about milk and 67 papers about meat and found big differences in terms of nutritional components, especially in the fatty acid department. Why the difference? Researchers linked them to the cows’ outdoor grazing and low concentrate feeding, the diet prescribed by organic standards. Chris Seal, Professor of Food and Human Nutrition at Newcastle […]
July 3, 2016

Millions May Be Moved To Tears By Omegas

Omega-3 fatty acids may wipe out dry eye syndrome, according to new research. Dry eye syndrome affects up to one-third of the world’s population, causing itchy, stinging eyes and sensitivity to light. If left untreated, it can impair vision, and in extreme cases, cause blindness. Researchers in India found that a daily dose of omegas improved the symptoms of dry eye syndrome by as much as 105 percent. They presented their data at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium in San Diego. Their research supports the finding of several previous studies that suggested the power of omega-3 fatty […]