July 19, 2023

New Study Demonstrates Notable Pain Relief

A new human study shows that marine oil-derived SPM precursors combined with bioavailable curcumin resolve and reduce inflammatory discomforts. Some nutrients can reduce existing inflammation, while others may help resolve inflammation 1. Winding down the flow of inflammation at its source is vital to maintain healthy, functional tissues. Compounds that actively promote the resolution of inflammation are known as specialized pro-resolving mediators or SPMs.2 A clinical study published in 2022 demonstrates that taking SPM precursors along with bioavailable curcumin deliver significant relief of pain and discomfort.3 In just 30 days, the combination significantly reduced: Total pain, Pain intensity, and Pain […]
April 10, 2018

Willow Bark Is a Legendary Pain Reliever

Willow bark has an important place in medicine and in human history. Known by many names– pussy willow, purple willow, black willow, it is traditionally used to reduce pain and fever and was the original source of salicin, a chemical similar to aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) from which the drug was created in the 1800’s. The medicinal use of willow bark dates to 400 BC when people were advised to chew on the bark to reduce fever and inflammation in the body. Since then it has been used in many cultures for these purposes. Willow bark contains many benefits to the […]