October 27, 2015

Stop The Misery of Eczema with These Natural Methods

  If you’ve got eczema that flares up from time to time, or is chronic, you know how uncomfortable, and embarrassing, it can be.  You’ve likely tried every skin cream and/or prescription medication that’s out there.  But, you may have never been told that eczema flares may actually be linked to the health of your gut.  Let me tell you why… Probiotics May Help Your Eczema More Than Drugs Eczema is a condition governed by the autoimmune system.  It presents itself as an allergic dermatitis.  Researchers now think that flareups of eczema are linked to fungal overgrowths in the gut, […]
August 2, 2014

How Probiotics Help Create Healthy Skin

If you came into my office and asked me how you could create healthier, younger-looking skin, one of the things I would ask you about is your intestinal health.  You may wonder what the connection is and this is what I’d tell you. Beautiful Skin Reflects A Healthy Gut – Probiotics Can Help  Your skin needs a lot of things to stay healthy and look its best.  It needs adequate water to stay hydrated and prevent sagging, careful cleansing and moisturizing, some sun protection, a nutrient-rich diet, and adequate sleep.  Dull, unhealthy looking skin makes you look much older.  What […]