714 results found for: Skin

skin care

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Vitalmax: Healthy Aging, Supplements and Skin Care

A great selection of nutritional supplements that have been researched and developed by some of the leading health experts in the country. A resource to retrieve some of the most current health news that you can’t find anywhere else on the internet. LINK to http://www.vitalmaxvitamins.com/

lotion on skin

Beautiful Skin Needs To Be Chemical Free

In our ever advancing and constantly changing society, let’s get back to some of the basics—the basics of food and the earth. While technology and growth are amazing, chemicals and hormones in our food and body products is not so amazing. If we are trying to “eat organic” and “healthy,” why are we okay with putting chemicals onto our skin? What goes onto our skin goes directly into our bloodstream, including all our wonderful smelling lotions, shampoos, cleansers, toners, make up, and perfume. Even if something says it’s “organic” you still have to read the label—unfortunately! The Organic Consumers Association’s […]

Food for Skin: Recipe for Safe Body Products

Who needs those chemically-filled body products when you can go out to your own garden or to a farmers market and whip up some wonderful “food for your skin”? Not only will you save money, but your body will thank you.

Save Face (and Body) with Safe Skin Care

Previously we gave you tips on how to make your own safe, natural skin care products, but if the whole make-it

Local Dermatologist Offers Summer Skin Care Tips

The heat and humidity of summer can take its toll on your body and it can also be harmful for your skin if you don’t take the proper precautions. Dr. Tanda Lane, of Lane Dermatology, recently answered some questions for the Ledger-Enquirer on summer skin care. The following interview has been edited for length and clarity. What are the most pervasive effects of the summer heat and humidity on someone’s skin? Excess heat increases sweat production and the humidity hinders its ability to evaporate away from the skin. This means more oil is available to clog pores which can exacerbate […]

20 Fabulous Skin Care Secrets for Women

Are the summer heat, long hours and daily stress in the workplace taking a toll on your skin? Women often struggle with looking their best in the face of a busy work environment that does little to support healthy, glowing skin. You have to take extra steps to pamper yourself if you want to look fabulous! Here are 20 easy tips that you can use throughout the day to maintain beautiful skin. Reevaluate Your Hand Hygiene Hand washing and glove use are the cornerstones of infection prevention in healthcare, some other job settings and even when cleaning at home. Lots […]

How Probiotics Help Create Healthy Skin

If you came into my office and asked me how you could create healthier, younger-looking skin, one of the things I would ask you about is your intestinal health.  You may wonder what the connection is and this is what I’d tell you. Beautiful Skin Reflects A Healthy Gut – Probiotics Can Help  Your skin needs a lot of things to stay healthy and look its best.  It needs adequate water to stay hydrated and prevent sagging, careful cleansing and moisturizing, some sun protection, a nutrient-rich diet, and adequate sleep.  Dull, unhealthy looking skin makes you look much older.  What […]

20 Fabulous Skin Care Secrets

Are the long hours, stressful conditions and harsh sanitizing agents in the average workplace taking a toll on your skin? Women often struggle with looking their best in the face of a work environment that does little to support healthy, glowing skin. You have to take extra steps to pamper yourself if you want to look fabulous! Here are 20 easy tips that women can use throughout the day to maintain beautiful skin. Reevaluate Your Hand Hygiene Hand washing and glove use are the cornerstones of infection prevention in healthcare settings. But these protocols are the leading cause of contact […]

Keep Your Skin Healthy Using Natural Oils

It’s getting colder in many parts of North America now and many people may start to be bothered by “winter itch”, that dry , flaky, reddened skin condition that may occur when heated homes become dry.  Even if you live in a warmer climate, you could be like some of my patients who experience oilier, break-out prone skin, especially if you perspire more often. Whichever your skin condition is, you don’t have to put up with the flaky itchiness or embarrassing break outs.  I’d like to share with you what I tell my own patients about making the most of […]