January 14, 2023

Six Steps to a Healthier Diet in 2023

As sure as there will be another year, there will be New Year’s resolutions. They usually go something like this: Pay off all debt. Finally quit smoking. Shed those pesky 25 pounds that don’t seem to budge. Despite the wide array of ways we can feel, look and live better, one thing rings true. Most of these resolutions are so extreme that they have very little staying power. “People easily become discouraged when they set big goals because they are too overwhelming,” said Sarah Zangerle, registered dietitian at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Weight Loss Center. “In […]
December 16, 2022

Your Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

It’s the holiday season. We’re pretty sure that many of you are going to party a little bit, and no, we’re not going to try to discourage it.  During this time of year, many of us break from our routines somewhat, drink a little (more) alcohol, eat a lot of food, and even forget to exercise. But please don’t be too hard on yourself; it happens to almost all of us. It’s okay to indulge a little and have some fun especially if it’s only a “once-a-year” occasion. However, it can’t hurt to take some precautions and practice a little moderation as well. If […]
December 4, 2022

This Spice Blend Can Help Your Heart Health

More than just flavor enhancers, many common spices do a lot more for your health than you probably think . In fact, a recent study showed a specific spice blend actually lowered triglycerides — a risk factor for heart disease. The results were published in the journal Nutrition Today. Below, we’ll explore the study and its potential implications. Spice Blend Lowers Triglyceride Levels by 31% Researchers from Penn State wanted to investigate the role of spices on heart health. They also reviewed previous studies showing the cardiac benefits of garlic and cinnamon. For the study, they recruited six overweight men between the ages of 30 to […]
December 4, 2022

Quinoa Well Tolerated for Celiac Patients

Adding quinoa to the gluten-free diet of patients with celiac disease is well-tolerated, and does not exacerbate the condition, according to new research published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology. Dr. Victor F. Zevallos, from the Department of Gastroenterology, King’s College London, United Kingdom, evaluated the in-vivo effects of consuming quinoa in adult celiac patients. Quinoa, a highly nutritious grain, is traditionally recommended as part of a gluten-free diet. However, in-vitro data suggests that quinoa storage proteins can stimulate innate and adaptive immune responses in celiac patients. Celiac disease is an immune-based reaction to dietary gluten (storage protein for wheat, […]
November 21, 2022

How Elderberry Helps Relieve Flu Symptoms

Elderberry juice has long been used to help relieve flu symptoms, however, its mechanisms in influenza had not been identified. However, the March 2019 issue of the Journal of Functional Foods published the findings of researchers at the University of Sydney of a mechanism by which elderberries combat influenza Dr Golnoosh Torabian and colleagues administered elderberry juice serum and the elderberry compound cyanidin 3-glucoside to cultured cells prior to, during and after they had been infected with the influenza virus. The researchers observed a direct antiviral effect in association with both elderberry juice and its active compound. “What our study has shown is […]
November 7, 2022

Is Your Diet Making You Feel Depressed?

There is growing research showing a significant correlation of mental disorders, including depression, anxiety and schizophrenia, with certain nutritional deficiencies. Typically, these disorders are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, or are emotionally rooted and are treated with medications and/or psychotherapy. Nutritional therapy can play a key role in the duration and severity of these conditions, improve the effectiveness of medications and correct the underlying cause. The more common nutrients people are deficient in: • B vitamins — These nutrients play a critical role in the function of your brain and nervous system. The two B vitamins that appear […]
October 11, 2022

Emotional Distress Can Cause Premature Aging

Several studies have shown that the chronic stress or a stress experienced over a prolonged period of time can contribute to long-term problems for heart and blood vessels. The consistent and ongoing increase in heart rate, and the elevated levels of stress hormones and blood pressure can make body lethargic and exhausted. This effect of stress on our health has been reiterated in many studies and we are quite familiar with it. The new studies on stress shows social isolation, untreated depression, prolong anxiety attacks and long-term unemployment can speed-up the ageing process by shortening the length of each DNA […]
September 25, 2022

What is Osteoporosis And Why You Should Care?

Osteoporosis is a quiet condition that occurs slowly over time as we all get older. It is usually not discovered until we start breaking bones from simple falls or less. All of us are born with thin bones, and as we grow, our bones grow and thicken. So, when Mom said “eat your veggies and drink your milk to grow up big and strong,” she was telling the truth. Microscopically, bones are built like steel-girder bridges or scaffolds, lots of bone girders holding up our bodies. Our bones should be their strongest by about age 30. After that, our bones […]
August 16, 2022

Walking May Help Reshape Damaged Heart Tissue

Just 30 minutes of running on a treadmill can reshape damaged heart tissue, researchers have found in a study which proved that exercise could be just as important for heart health as controlled cholesterol and a healthy diet. The findings showed that just a single session of endurance exercise – activities that increase breathing and heart rate such as walking, jogging, swimming – increased the expression of genes that are used to repair damaged DNA and helped remodel heart tissue. “The genes that are important for genome stability are up-regulated in the heart tissue after a single bout of endurance […]