April 23, 2024

How To Keep Your Skin Glowing at Any Age

“You are what you eat” is an old saying I frequently repeat to my patients when they ask me what can they do to make their aging skin look better and younger.  It’s not only an old adage it’s really true! What kind of food, and other substances, you put in your body influences your health and nothing reflects overall wellness more than your skin. Here’s what I tell my patients about how to keep skin glowing and healthy at any age. Your Skin Mirrors The Rest of You It’s no coincidence that teenage skin often breaks out in acne […]
April 23, 2024

10 Ways To Eat Healthy and Save Money

  Eating healthy on a budget is not just achievable, it’s an excellent way to energize your body and mind without straining your wallet! Changing your diet (for the better) and buy less expensive, yet still high quality foods is key.  You might be surprised to know that there are many relatively inexpensive foods that can actually improve your health.  A few of my patients shared some of the ways they were able to cut their food bills, and I’d like to pass those on to you – my readers.  I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how well you […]
February 13, 2024

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

I have a retired 64 year-old patient, I’ll call him Bob, who tells me that he never sleeps more than 5-6 hours a night and that he’s always up with the sun, full of energy for his active retiree day and never gets that mid-afternoon sleepy slump.   He’s doing well, has no major health concerns, and this amount of sleep seems to be working well for him. Another patient I have, I’ll call her Ellen, 46 years-old, working full-time every day as a busy legal secretary, tells me she’s a zombie unless she has at least 9 hours of sleep a […]
January 2, 2024

Does Your Diet Include the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

The New Year is just beginning and many of you have resolved to make some healthy changes in your life.  Some of you may want to lose a few pounds, or plan to get more exercise, which are both important changes to make. However, you may not be aware that one of the easiest, yet most important things, you can do to create a healthier you is to change your diet.  That’s right. By simply adding more of the right foods to your diet, and decreasing the wrong ones, you can dial down your risk for getting serious disease and […]
December 19, 2023

15 Tips To Avoid Those Pesky Holiday Pounds

I just recently read a survey that the average person gains approximately 5 pounds during the holiday season. I don’t know if it’s one hundred percent accurate but if you’re worried about being part of that statistic, don’t despair. Here’s my holiday gift to you on how to avoid weight gain over the next few weeks! Below are 15 easy, all-natural tips you can use right now to stay slim, healthy and joyful through the holidays and into the New Year: 1) Don’t leave home hungry If you show up at a holiday party feeling absolutely ravenous, you are likely […]
November 6, 2023

The Superstar Benefits of Quinoa & Kale

I like to frequently use an ancient Socrates quote to my patients when I try to drive home the importance of eating the right foods to both preserve and heal their health.  The saying, roughly, goes, “Let your food be your medicine” and with these 2 nutritional powerhouses, that I’m going to tell you about here, old Socrates couldn’t be closer to the truth.  These 2 simple foods are quinoa – an ancient super-grain – and the beautiful kale plant.  They not only taste great but I’m going to tell you how they can actually save your life. The Amazing Health Benefits […]
October 10, 2023

Don’t Let Indigestion Ruin Another Evening

A good friend of mine loves spicy food. A few years ago, though, he noticed that whenever he ate anything to spicy, he spent the rest of the evening with miserable indigestion. He asked me if there was any way he could enjoy the foods he loved without the unpleasant aftereffects. Fortunately, I was able to give him several recommendations that helped prevent his indigestion. As you get older indigestion becomes a more common problem. Six million Americans suffer with frequent indigestion. Whether you suffer from gas, frequent heartburn, or bloating these are all signs that something is not working quite […]
September 24, 2023

Magnesium Deficiency – Normal Sign of Aging?

Some of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients, especially those older than 50, involves muscle cramps and spasms, notably those leg zingers that make them jump out of bed in the middle of the night; trouble sleeping; and daytime stiffness or pain in their muscles.  Most of my patients laugh these symptoms off as just “getting old,” but they’re surprised when I tell them these are more likely symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, which can easily be corrected.  Read on and see if you have any of the common symptoms of low magnesium and what I recommend. […]
September 10, 2023

Optimize Your Health with Superfoods

There is so much talk around superfoods lately and the health benefits of including them in your diet. As a doctor who specializes in anti-aging strategies, I can truly say that the addition of superfoods to your daily food intake will totally optimize your health and lower the risk of disease. That’s why I make it a priority to recommend green foods to all of my patients. Since whole foods and greens have recently become popular many questions about them still remain unanswered, so here’s a brief but informative insight to help you know more about how these foods can […]