May 10, 2023

Enhance Your Health With Magic Spices

Lately, I’ve been cooking at home more often. And honestly I don’t miss the restaurant food. There are many good things that come along with cooking in your own kitchen. First, its fun!  Secondly, you get to choose the menu and food ingredients to make sure that everything you consume is the freshest and healthiest possible. I’ve been using a lot of different spices. I learned that many of them not only enhance the taste of my food but are also very healthy for you. Today I want to recommend a few tasty spices that can help protect you from heart […]
April 11, 2023

Anti-Aging Part 1: Nutrition and Sleep

Research has proven that just by making some adjustments to your lifestyle, and paying more attention to optimum nutrition, sleep, exercise and relaxation, you can prevent many of the physical and mental signs of aging. In Part I of this 2-part series, then, I’d like to explain to you what aging really is and how optimal nutrition, adequate sleep, and relaxation can keep you youthful long into your 90s! Up until about 20 years ago, dealing with aching joints, wrinkles, low testosterone, menopause, insomnia, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms was thought to be an inevitable part of aging. […]
April 11, 2023

Food with Muscle-Building Nutrients

These days, there’s a lot of controversy about including dairy in your diet.  Some popular diets, and health researcher’s, out there claim that dairy is bad and you should omit it.  As an orthopedic doctor that sees a lot of broken bones and atrophied muscles, particularly in older people, I don’t happen to agree with that because… Getting Older and Staying Strong Requires Dairy’s 4 Super Nutrients You probably already know that there’s a lot of controversy about whether you should or shouldn’t consume dairy. Other than perhaps a little higher sugar content in cow’s milk than I would like […]
March 14, 2023

Beets: The Vegetable with Anti-Aging Properties

If you’re past 50, you may be wondering what you can do to return the youthful glow to your skin.  As a dermatologist, I know that there are several things you can use on your skin topically to make it look younger, but the #1 thing that influences the way your skin looks is what you put in your body.  So, I’d like to tell you about a common vegetable with some uncommon skin and overall anti-aging benefits that you can reap today! Look Younger, Protect Your Heart and Brain with Beet Juice Researchers are finding out more and more […]
March 14, 2023

DHEA: The Anti-Stress, Anti-Aging Hormone

Dear Health-Minded Reader, Your doctor may prescribe a drug called Prasterone. It has some wonderful benefits: lowers your risk of cancer, beats depression, improves bone density, just to name a few. What the drug makers don’t tell you is that Prasterone is nothing more than a synthetic version of DHEA – the natural hormone I’ve been talking about for years. In today’s Health Alert, I’ll show you how to tap the power of this hormone – without paying hundreds of dollars. Let the Good Times Roll I call DHEA the “anti-stress hormone.” It’s the most abundant product of the adrenal glands. DHEA […]
February 13, 2023

Get Heart Healthy Olive Oil

I like to stay abreast of nutritional information and research that can impact your heart for better or worse. I like to pass along this information to my patients, as well as my readers, in an effort to keep your hearts as healthy as possible. Recently, some surprising information on the authenticity of the olive oil that you may be buying came across my desk. As I recommend olive oil to keep the heart healthy, the information in this report was disturbing.  Let me tell you about this and what you can do about it. Get Heart Healthy Olive Oil […]
January 30, 2023

Medical Tests For People Over 50

It’s a New Year, and many of my patients are coming in for their annual check-ups. Maybe you’re scheduled to visit your doctor for your annual physical as well. I always like to remind my patients of the old Ben Franklin adage – “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nothing could be truer where your health is concerned. Prevention, however, comes in many forms, from making sure you get the optimal nutrition, rest, and exercise to being proactive and getting the right medical tests to screen for any possible issues. If you’re over the age of […]
November 22, 2022

How To Avoid Turkey Day Weight Gain

We love Thanksgiving because it’s a chance to celebrate all that we’re thankful for in our life with family  and friends. Yet, we also dread it because Thanksgiving favorites are always in abundance and lead to weight gain! To avoid this slippery slope, all you need to do is prepare your favorites in a healthier way.  And if you’re going out for dinner, we have some tips for you to bypass diet disaster there, too. Here’s how. Tips To Avoid Turkey Day Weight Gain Disaster Did you know that the typical Thanksgiving Day dinner can contain as much as 4,000 […]
August 29, 2022

Your Body Needs Many Different Antioxidants for Optimum Health

I see patients all the time who are confused about antioxidants. Often they think if they take vitamin C, they’ve got their bases covered. This just isn’t the case. To understand why, let’s take a deeper look at how your body works. When you eat food, the process your body uses to convert it to energy creates byproducts called free radicals. These free radicals are reactive molecules. When they encounter a healthy cell, they damage it and also create more free radicals. This process happens all through your body both in water-based tissues and in fat-based tissues. Your body uses antioxidants to clean up […]