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July 14, 2024

Summer Produce Brings a Bounty of Recipes

Let’s just start by saying that in summer, just about ALL fruits and vegetables are at their peak. With all the rain we had in California last winter, the quality of the local produce is more spectacular than usual. The summer months are the best time of year for enjoying produce prepared in the simplest methods. These fruits and vegetables are not only refreshing and delicious during hot summer days but also often have high water content, which can help keep you hydrated. Remember to choose fresh, locally sourced produce whenever possible for the best flavor and nutritional value. Tomato […]
April 11, 2023

Anti-Aging Part 1: Nutrition and Sleep

Research has proven that just by making some adjustments to your lifestyle, and paying more attention to optimum nutrition, sleep, exercise and relaxation, you can prevent many of the physical and mental signs of aging. In Part I of this 2-part series, then, I’d like to explain to you what aging really is and how optimal nutrition, adequate sleep, and relaxation can keep you youthful long into your 90s! Up until about 20 years ago, dealing with aching joints, wrinkles, low testosterone, menopause, insomnia, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms was thought to be an inevitable part of aging. […]