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December 26, 2024

Know the Science of Alcohol & Your Health

For many, having a lovely frosty pint is one of life’s great pleasures. That is, until they drink many more than one frosty pint, feel absolutely horrendous the next day, wracked with beer fear and memory loss, and enter that near-fugue state that makes it very hard to properly use any of your limbs. This also feels like a good place to mention that, according to the World Health Organization, booze is responsible for 3 million deaths a year globally. Up to half of all people in beds in orthopedic wards are there because of an alcohol-related injury and, on […]
November 16, 2024

Resilience: How To Deal With Life’s Tough Stuff

Happiness is not about wishful thinking, good luck, or avoiding negative thoughts. In fact, the only path to true happiness requires seeing challenges as opportunities and discovering emotional strength during times of struggle. In other words, it’s about resilience. Resilience is a quality most of us want to possess. The big issue is that no one knows how to access it in their day-to-day life.  We understand that it’s important, that it’s crucial even, but it seems like an ephemeral thing that you either have or you don’t. How we actually attain the skills to become resilient has been left […]
August 29, 2024

Is Your Food Feeding Inflammation or Fighting It?

Every food you eat is either feeding inflammation or fighting it. And because no one else is you, the foods that work well for someone else may not be right for your body. That is why you need a personalized plan to truly heal. In The Inflammation Spectrum: Find Your Food Triggers and Reset Your System by Dr. Will Cole you will discover how inflammation—which is at the core of most health woes—exists on a continuum: from mild symptoms such as weight gain and fatigue on one end to hormone imbalance and autoimmune conditions on the other. Whether your symptoms […]
May 22, 2023

Long Life & Flourishing in a Changing World

Smart new technologies. Longer, healthier lives. Human progress has risen to great heights, but at the same time it has prompted anxiety about where we’re heading. Are our jobs under threat? If we live to 100, will we ever really stop working? And how will this change the way we love, manage and learn from others? One thing is clear: advances in technology have not been matched by the necessary innovation to our social structures. In our era of unprecedented change, we haven’t yet discovered new ways of living. Drawing from the fields of economics and psychology, authors Andrew J. Scott […]
April 11, 2022

Secrets of the Lymphatic System

“Research has shown that one system in particular—the lymphatic system—is the key factor in longevity, disease prevention, and living a healthy and vital life. Yet nobody—not the research community, not the medical community, certainly not the public—knows much about it. I want to change that, because after decades in the medical community as a cardiovascular surgeon, I have seen the effect and the promise of a healthy lymphatic system. And I see what an impact it can have—for better or worse—on your health, wellness, and longevity,” writes Gerald M. Lemole, M.D. in his introduction to Lymph & Longevity: The Untapped […]