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July 14, 2024

Top 10 Medicinal Herbs Growing in your Garden

Summer is a great time for gardening and boosting anti-inflammatory foods that you grow on your own. Get strategic about which plants you want in your garden this year by including some beautiful aromatic culinary herbs. The top 10 medicinal herbs below can help you add more flavor to your cooking and also offer many health benefits. Some of the top health benefits you can gain by using more herbs include: reduce salt in your cooking while still including lots of flavor blood pressure control benefits (herbs are often high in potassium) boost potent antioxidants that can help calm inflammation […]
January 29, 2024

Feeling Frisky? 15 Foods To Enhance Romance

Feeling frisky and ready for romance?  Well, I have a few good suggestions for foods that are not only good for you but also tasty treats that will enhance any night (or day) of romance. In my observation, there are several categories of foods that qualify as “romantic,” or enhance a romantic moment. First, and obviously, are the ones that resemble parts of the anatomy associated with sex and love like bananas, asparagus, and avocados (think about it). Or moist, voluptuous foods like oysters and figs. Then there are the foods that provide so much nutrition and feeling of well-being […]
February 16, 2023

Which Oils Are Best and Healthiest To Use?

At the grocery store, there are aisles and aisles full of oils. How do you know which is best to use? Which ones are the healthiest? A variety of oils are popular in different parts of the world and, depending on whether you are sautéing or making a marinade, it is good to know what works best for your meals and is best for your health as well. Here’s the FoodTrients® breakdown for the best, healthiest oil to choose and when. Health Benefits of Oils Oils and dietary fats are essential to the function of all cells and to be […]
December 4, 2022

Our NAUGHTY and NICE Holiday Food List

The winter holidays are a time for eating delicious food and spending time with friends and family. Studies show that a small weight gain is common during this festive time. No one food or beverage is good or bad, but some have more healthier properties than others. See the 5 winter holiday foods to indulge in this year and the 5 to reduce your consumption of to optimize happy and healthy festivities this year. Don’t forget other ways of taking care of yourself this busy season; fitness, sleep and stress management play a role in enjoying the holiday season as well! […]