February 26, 2013

Ancient Wheat Improves Heart Health

Dr. William Davis in his book, Wheat Belly, claims that wheat products in the American diet parallel the expansion of our waistlines. This is because wheat today is not the same wheat eaten by ancient people, or even people just a few decades ago. Wheat today is hybridized and crossbred to make the wheat plant resistant to environmental conditions, such as drought, or pathogens, such as fungi. But most of all, genetic changes have been induced to increase yield per acre. Such enormous strides in yield have required drastic changes in the wheat’s genetic code. Such fundamental genetic changes have also come at a […]
December 6, 2012

Four Basic Makeup Tips For A 12 Hour Shift

Being a hard working career gal can sometimes feel like a high impact sport for the amount of action that’s involved. Even if you’re able to keep up with the day, sometimes your makeup doesn’t last so long. To keep makeup lasting for up to 12 hours, listen to Jason Ascher, resident makeup guru at Barneys New York, who offers his advice on how and what to apply so you look fresh all day (or night), no matter how intense your shift gets! 1. Foundation. Apply foundation only to the problem areas to even out the complexion rather than the entire face. Use […]
December 6, 2012

Findings In Yeast Sheds Light On Calorie Restriction

The journal Nature published an article online on November 21, 2012 that provides new information on how calorie restriction extends life span. Adam L. Hughes, PhD and Daniel Gottschling, PhD of Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center report the results of their latest research involving yeast cells. They found that a structure within the cells known as the vacuole (whose animal counterpart is the lysosome) becomes less acidic early in the yeast cell’s life span, resulting in a reduction in the ability of this organelle to store specific nutrients. These nutrients build up in the cell and overwhelm the mitochondria, which are the […]
November 28, 2012

What You Ought To Know About Allergy Cross-Reactions

You may think you’re aware of all your allergens and have them under control. But did you know that some allergy sufferers can have allergic cross-reactions to foods that have similar protein structures as your main allergen? Yep, it’s one of nature’s un-fun surprises: Because you’re allergic to, say, latex, you may also be allergic to a bunch of foods…and not even know it! To avoid an unpleasant and potentially dangerous allergic reaction on your lunch hour (okay, your lunch 5 minutes), check out this list of the top allergic cross-reactions. If you’re allergic to any of these items, be […]
October 11, 2012

Dr. Nick Delgado’s Protocol for Health

Recently, the Filipino-American Chamber of Commerce for Orange County (CA) held its 4th annual Green & Health Expo at the Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort. Grace O was there signing copies of her cookbook, FoodTrients: Age Defying Recipes for a Sustainable Life. She was also presented with an Emerald Award from the Chamber of Commerce for her contributions to her community, as was U.S. Representative Ed Royce from the 40th Congressional District. The keynote speaker for the event was Dr. Nick Delgado. Dr. Delgado graduated from the University of Southern California, with studies at Rancho Los Amigo Hospital, USC, Loma Linda […]
September 28, 2012

Guide to Pesticides in Produce Is a Must Have

By Cynthia Cleveland Want to find out which fruits and vegetable made the Environmental Working Group’s good list and which ones were naughty. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently released its annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce list and the results are surprising. The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. Use EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides to reduce your exposures as much as possible, but eating conventionally-grown produce is far better than not eating fruits and vegetables at all. The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce will help you determine which fruits […]
September 14, 2012

Conventional Medicine Wants FDA to Take Away Most Dietary Supplements

An editorial in the January 25, 2012, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine strongly supports the FDA’sproposed New Dietary Ingredient guidelines that would ban most of the effective nutrients you use today. One inane argument is that since some unscrupulous manufacturers are spiking their products with drugs like Viagra®, then all supplements introduced after year 1994 should be removed from the market until the FDA approves them for safety. This has nothing to do with how the FDA is proposing to deny Americans access to natural supplements, but it is nonetheless being used as an excuse to give pharmaceutical giants a monopoly over what you are allowed to put into […]
August 28, 2012

Belly Fat a Greater Health Risk Than Obesity, Mayo Study Says

Here’s another reason to fret over a flabby stomach. A new study suggests that adults who aren’t technically overweight but have a lot of fat around their guts run a higher death risk than people who are obese. Conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., the study looked at people with normal body mass index scores who also fit the definition for “central obesity” — meaning they had a high waist-to-hip ratio. Normal-weight patients with a lot of belly fat, it turned out, had the highest death risks from cardiovascular disease and other causes, according to a […]
July 31, 2012

Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Author Jonathon Goldstein once said, “Everyone runs around trying to find a place where they still serve breakfast because eating breakfast, even if it’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon, is a sign that the day has just begun and good things can still happen. Having lunch is like throwing in the towel.” Maybe for many of us breakfast represents that “new day dawning” attitude, but is there really something more to it — physiologically speaking? There’s no doubt that one of the most popular statements ever made in nutrition and medicine is that breakfast is the most important meal of […]