1240 results found for: DISEASE PREVENTION

Stay Healthy with Immune-Boosting Foods

In the midst of cold and flu season, it’s good to know what we should eat to bolster our immune system. Believe it or not, your digestive tract is a huge part of your immune system. Keeping it balanced with just the right bacteria mix is essential to staying healthy. The FoodTrient probiotics in yogurt encourage good gut flora to grow, so eating yogurt every day is a good way to keep your immune defenses strong. Be careful about eating yogurt with sugar, however. Refined sugars, yeast, and alcohol encourage bad bacteria to flourish in your digestive tract. Your best […]

Are Vegetarian Diets Healthy?

Today, many people have adopted a vegetarian diet or are considering a switch. Reasons range from disease prevention to concern for the environment. A typical vegetarian diet not only has less saturated fat and cholesterol than a meat-based one, but it also provides a number of beneficial plant polyphenols, many of which have only been recently identified. However, there are some potential deficiencies to consider as well. Below, we’ll explore the possible pitfalls and how to avert them if going “meatless” is your thing. First, Let’s Define Vegetarian A vegetarian diet technically contains no animal products, but a number of people who […]

Feeding the Gut Microbiota

The American Gastroenterological Association issued the following news release: A healthy and balanced diet, as well as probiotics, have been known to be helpful in preserving gastrointestinal health for quite a long time. But it is only recently that the underlying mechanisms have become somewhat clearer. A rapidly increasing body of knowledge promises to further clarify the effects of our daily food on the gut microbiota and to indicate more targeted applications of probiotics in the near future. This was one of the topics presented at the Gut Microbiota for Health World Summit in Miami, FL. On March 8 and 9, 2014, internationally leading […]

Nutrigenomics: The Future Of Smart Eating

For decades, the medical profession has taken a “one size fits all” approach to nutrition. Doctors and nutritionists often tell their patients to eat less fat and more vegetables, and supplement daily with vitamins and antioxidants.

What’s Missing From Multi-Vitamin Supplements?

The primary reason that people take dietary supplements is to obtain concentrated doses of beneficial nutrients that are found in fruits and vegetables.Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables dramatically lowers the risk of degenerative disease.

Organically Grown Foods Have Edge

Scientists have long recognized the dangers of cadmium (Cd) exposure to the human body. This heavy metal is emerging as a major cause of vascular disorders, common cancers, osteoporosis, and kidney disease, and can also cause damage to the body’s reproductive and neurological systems. While tobacco smoke can be a significant source of exposure for smokers, the primary source of cadmium exposure for nonsmokers is through consumption of contaminated plant-based foods. A survey of all previous pertinent research (meta-analysis), appearing recently in the British Journal of Nutrition, concluded that organically grown foods are on average 48 percent lower in Cd than […]

Wheat: The Unhealthy Whole Grain

Flip through your parents’ or grandparents’ family albums and you’re likely to be struck by how thin everyone looks. The women probably wore size-four dresses and the men sported 32-inch waists. Overweight was something measured only by a few pounds; obesity rare. Overweight children? Almost never. Any 42-inch waists? Not here. Two-hundred-pound teenagers? Certainly not. The women of that world didn’t exercise much at all. How many times did you see your mom put on her jogging shoes to go out for a three-mile run? Nowadays I go outdoors on any nice day and see dozens of women jogging, riding their bicycles, […]

What Are The Health Benefits of Cabbage?

Cabbage, which is often lumped into the same category as lettuce because of their similar appearance, is actually a part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale and broccoli are notorious for being chock-full of beneficial nutrients. If you are trying to improve your diet, cruciferous vegetables should be at the very top of your grocery list. Cabbage can vary in color from green to red and purple, and the leaves can be smooth or crinkled. With less than 20 calories per half cup cooked, it is a vegetable worth making room on your plate for. This MNT Knowledge […]

Nutrient Intervention for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness. It often progresses without symptoms until it succeeds in damaging the optic nerve. Up to 50% of people with glaucoma remain undiagnosed, and as many as one in ten individuals aged 80 or older are afflicted by it. Encouraging news reveals that several of glaucoma’s underlying causative factors may be prevented and even reversed through natural interventions, offering new hope to the millions at risk for this widespread, debilitating condition. In this article, you will learn of a recently published human study revealing how proprietary, standardized extracts of French maritime pine bark and bilberry may effectively target the underlying mechanisms that […]