196 results found for: Obesity

Is Sugar Responsible For Obesity and Diabetes Epidemics?

Gary Taubes, journalist and author, argues that sugar could be a fundamental cause of the global obesity and diabetic epidemics, with detrimental effects on the human body. Bringing the matter to forefront, Taubes emphasises that “we must do more to discourage consumption while we improve our understanding of sugar’s role” which according to him goes beyond just empty calories. Taubes further writes that it has long been suspected by the doctors that sugar is a fundamental cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes. But until recently, the ideas of fat consumption and total energy balance have taken over the debate […]

Berberine: Good for Your Heart, Obesity and More

Commonly known as a natural compound that may help treat diabetes,  (see Foodtrients® article“Does Berberine Fight Diabetes” ) that’s not all berberine is known for. A bitter alkaloid compound found in several plants including barberry, goldenseal, and Oregon grape, it can also be important for enhancing the immune system during cold and flu season. Berberine also contains anti-bacterial properties and is often prescribed as a treatment for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).  It has a long history of medicinal use in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Medicidally, berberine is used for: Heart failure High cholesterol levels High blood pressure Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) […]

U.S. Marks Highest Obesity Rates In Health Report

Obesity in the U.S. has reached a new high with a 5 percent increase since last year, according to a report

chili peppers

Certain Foods Cause Overactive Bladder

If you’re like several of my patients, you may have an overactive bladder which keeps you running to the bathroom with an urge to urinate frequently. Some people have smaller bladder capacities than others and therefore naturally have to urinate more.  Other people may be eating certain foods that can irritate their bladder causing the need for them to urinate. I’d like to explain to you what some of these foods are and what you can do to minimize your “going” issues. Overactive Bladder – What Is It? Overactive bladder is a mild to severe condition that can not only become a […]

Magnesium Deficiency – Normal Sign of Aging?

Some of the most frequent complaints I hear from my patients, especially those older than 50, involves muscle cramps and spasms, notably those leg zingers that make them jump out of bed in the middle of the night; trouble sleeping; and daytime stiffness or pain in their muscles.  Most of my patients laugh these symptoms off as just “getting old,” but they’re surprised when I tell them these are more likely symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, which can easily be corrected.  Read on and see if you have any of the common symptoms of low magnesium and what I recommend. […]

Overactive Bladder Could Be Caused By Certain Foods

If you’re like several of my patients you may have an overactive bladder which keeps you running to the bathroom with an urge to urinate frequently.  Some people have smaller bladder capacities than others and therefore naturally have to urinate more.  Other people may be eating certain foods that can irritate their bladder causing the need them to urinate. I’d like to explain to you what some of these foods are and what you can do to minimize your “going” issues. Overactive Bladder – What Is It? Overactive bladder is a mild to severe condition that can not only become a […]

More Men and Boys Are Obese

Men’s and boys’ obesity rates are catching up with that of women, a national health snapshot released Tuesday says. In the past decade, the prevalence of obese men in the United States increased 8 percent, and the number of obese boys jumped almost 5 percent, according to the National Health and Examination Survey. Female obesity rates increased less than 2 percent during that time. More than 78 million adults, and about 12.5 million children and adolescents are obese, the latest numbers from 2009-2010 show. For adults, that’s 35 percent of the population, and includes about 41 million women and more […]

Seaweed – The Ancient Asian Superfood

Increasingly, my patients have become more and more interested in trying to improve their health using natural foods and supplements.  Lately, several of them have asked me about seaweed – the centuries old staple of Chinese, Korean and Japanese cultures revered for its many health benefits.  As I tell my patients, seaweed – a sea vegetable – has many outstanding nutritional benefits that are worth taking advantage of.  Here’s what you should know about seaweed. Seaweed – A Legendary Nutritional Powerhouse If you’ve ever eaten sushi – a traditional Japanese food – you may know that the edible wrapper that […]

Aspirin In Seniors- Macular Degeneration?

Many of my patients are age 60 and over and as such they have specific health issues. One of their concerns is the healthcare of their eyes and preserving their vision. Recently, I became aware of a study published in Ophthalmology Magazine that warned of people over 60 developing a vision-affecting disease called wet-type macular degeneration. The study found that people who regularly take aspirin for certain health issues had a doubled risk of developing blindness from wet-type ARMD (age-related macular degeneration).  I’d like to share this warning with you as I have my own patients to hopefully prevent anyone from damaging their vision […]

Got Heartburn? Don’t Ignore It

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. – James Revier, of San Jose, Calif., had no idea his heartburn was anything more than a nuisance until six years ago, when a piece of beef became logged in his esophagus and sent him to the emergency room. The on-call internist removed the meat and suggested Revier see a gastroenterologist for the lingering redness. It’s a good thing he did. Revier had developed Barrett’s esophagus, a condition caused by prolonged acid reflux. Over time, it produces cellular changes which can lead to adenocarcinoma, a type of esophageal cancer. “I’d had acid reflux for 15 years but […]