247 results found for: Longevity

Pu-erh Tea: Is It the Secret to Health & Longevity?

Last May, along with members of the FoodTrients team, my husband Rupert and I traveled to Yantai, China for the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards to receive the ‘Best in the World’ award for Innovation for my most recent cookbook, The Age Beautifully Cookbook: Easy and Exotic Longevity Secrets from around the World. Inspired by the Olympic Games and their global spirit, the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards were founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau. Every year they honor the best food and wine books, printed or digital, as well as food television shows. This year books from 211 countries competed in […]

Top 50 Foods for Longevity

Want to live a longer, healthier life? Of course! People in every culture seek the fountain of youth but in fact it very well may be sitting in your kitchen cabinet. Healthy eating plays a role in living longer and supporting your cells as you age. Healthy aging relies on foods that support many systems including brain and heart health. These foods often contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, supporting optimal health on a cellular level. Here is the ultimate Foodtrients list of the top 50 foods for longevity with a 360-degree view of the many factors that contribute to aging […]

Why Fasting Might Be the Best Medicine for Longevity

(Los Angeles, Jan. 15, 2019) Why should you fast to optimize your body? Fasting began with the evolution of early man when our bodies had to adapt to food scarcity at times. It has a powerful and positive impact on overall health. “We eat too much, too often, and at the wrong time of day. We don’t move enough and don’t sleep enough,” says Dr. James LaValle, a clinician, nutritionist, educator and consultant in the field on integrative health care. He is also the author of Cracking the Metabolic Code and one of the speakers at the American Academy of […]

Scientists Pinpoint Brain’s Role In Human Longevity

The brain’s neural activity–long implicated in disorders ranging from dementia to epilepsy–also plays a role in human aging and life span, according to research led by scientists in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School. The study, published Oct. 16 in Nature, is based on findings from human brains, mice and worms and suggests that excessive activity in the brain is linked to shorter life spans, while suppressing such overactivity extends life. The findings offer the first evidence that the activity of the nervous system affects human longevity. Although previous studies had suggested that parts of the nervous system influence aging in animals, the role […]

Secrets of Okinawa: A Diet for Longevity

Okinawa is in the southern-most prefecture of Japan, straddling the East China and the Philippine Seas. With its white, tropical beaches and turquoise waters, it’s not what you usually imagine when you think of Japan. Besides being known as the location of a U.S. Army base, Okinawa is one of the five ‘Blue Zones’ described by journalist, author and National Geographic fellow, Dan Buettner. These are five populations throughout the world with unusually high numbers of individuals who live happier, healthier lives, often to one hundred and beyond. In a nutshell, what these societies have in common is they: 1. […]

Longevity: The Secrets of Mediterranean Cuisine

I’ve written about Mediterranean cuisine and the Mediterranean diet before. But it’s worth writing about again because it’s so delicious and so good for you! Cardiologists recommend a Mediterranean diet with its healthy fats, lean proteins and whole grains for weight control and a healthy heart. If there is one word that most defines the cuisines of the Mediterranean, it’s VEGETABLES! Sure, there’s plenty of meat, chicken, seafood and fruit, but the basis is an abundance of vegetables and creative ways to enjoy them. When describing a Mediterranean diet, we’re talking about the cuisines of Southern Europe—France, Spain, Italy, Greece, […]

Longevity Reigns with the Plant-Based Flavors of Okinawa

Okinawa is an island, south of Japan and northeast of Taiwan. It is known as a “blue zone” because it is home to the oldest living population of women in the world. The number of

Molé! Spice Up Your Life & Longevity

Do you want to spice up your life while making meals that help you look and feel younger? Get ready for a delicious dish that can do just that – my Turkey with Molé Sauce, which is featured in my cookbook – The Age Beautifully Cookbook. I created an easy ways to help you make your own favorite recipes anti-aging. I’ve been researching spice mixes so I can boost the benefits in all of my recipes and yours. Where to begin? I started by identifying all the spices in my kitchen cabinet that are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories: turmeric, mustard, […]

Loma Linda Is Hot ‘Blue Zone’ for Longevity

This is the second part in our 5-part series (Part 1: Okinawans Know the Secrets of Long Life) on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part will look into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Loma Linda is a city within San Bernardino County, California, with just over 24,000 residents. It is considered a “Blue Zone” and is one of five regions in the world where the population has notably exceptional longevity. Loma Linda is a unique […]

Sardinia: Another Blue Zone for Longevity

This is the third part in our 5-part on life in the “Blue Zones,” where people live longer, healthy lives. Each part will look into the diets and lifestyles of the areas where longevity is a normal part of aging better. Who doesn’t want to know their secrets? Sardinia is one of five “Blue Zones” — a concept first introduced in the early 2000s and defined as an area in which the population has exceptionally low rates of chronic disease and individuals known to outlive those in other parts of the world. Sardinia is the second largest Italian island and sits in […]