708 results found for: Weight Loss

Food as medicine

FoodTrients Pack Powers of Medicine

As a healthcare professional, I see doctors prescribe five, ten, even twenty medications to one patient without giving any nutritional advice. I’m not saying that food should replace all medicines, and you should check with your doctor to make sure that any medications you take are not counteracted by a particular food.  However, I do think that the plate is the place to start for living a long and healthy life. For centuries, many cultures have used natural foods as their medicine chest. They understand that certain herbs and leaves offer curative powers. Hippocrates, a Greek physician who practiced medicine […]

woman feeling neck pain

Shoulder & Back Pain? Check Your Gallbladder!

Every now and then one of my patients will call me complaining of a kind of strange, uncomfortable pain in their right neck and shoulder blade area. Most often, they also don’t feel well either – a little nauseated, maybe a little stomach pain and don’t feel much like eating.  They wonder if they’ve gotten some kind of flu bug.   They’re often shocked when I tell them that it could be their gallbladder acting up and/or they may be passing gallstones! If this sounds like you sometimes, here’s what you should know about gallstones and gallbladder problems. Gallstones or Muscle […]

Raspberry Ketones Help Fat Cells Shrink

In the last couple of months, several of my patients have asked me about using raspberries for weight loss. It’s true that ‘raspberry ketones’ has been a popular buzz phrase on television and the Internet as a substance that can, reportedly, actually force your fat cells to shrink and help you lose weight. Raspberries have always been considered a good addition to any weight loss program, as they are high in antioxidants, low in calories and sugar per 4 ounce serving.  However, you’d have to eat about 90 lbs of them to get the concentration of raspberry ketones these products offer.  After a […]

A Natural Beverage That Fights Aging

Doctors often need to give patients advice on their diets. I have talked with countless patients who are confused about the huge amount of information on what will keep you healthy, what will keep you thin, and what will keep you young. Furthermore, the latest news about healthy eating often changes from year to year and even month to month. To make life easier for my patients, I follow the latest research in nutrition and healthy eating. One food that consistently makes headlines has actually been around for hundreds of years. I am talking about kefir, the cultured milk beverage. This yogurt-like drink is more […]

Staying Slim With A Slower Metabolism

Many of my patients are battling with weight issues and are always asking me how they can boost their metabolism so they can lose weight.  They’re confused

The Top Anti-Cancer Foods

I have long believed that people can transform their health with the foods they eat. I encourage patients with a wide array of conditions to examine their diets in addition to using traditional treatments and medicines. For some, adopting a healthy diet full of produce, whole grains and lean protein can improve symptoms through weight loss. For people with certain diseases, choosing foods with unique, wellness-promoting qualities can provide a major boost to their health. For those seeking to actively prevent cancer, the foods you eat can bring big health benefits. Countless studies have been done on the effects of […]

Ketogenic Diets: A New Answer To An Old Problem?

The need in humans to lose weight from time to time is an age-old problem.

Doctors To Screen Patients For Obesity?

I’ve always counseled my patients about the need to keep a healthy weight. It not only makes you look and feel better but it decreases your risk for serious diseases.   Many doctors, though, have shied away from telling their patients that they need to lose weight. Why? For one reason, patients tend to take comments about their weight very personally instead of seeing it as the health risk that it is.  Many doctors don’t want to insult their patients and/or make them feel bad about themselves in any way. For another reason, some doctors feel that nutrition and weight loss counseling is […]

Keep Hair Healthy With These Foods

I have a patient, I’ll call him Steve, who at the great boomer age of 66 has one of the greatest heads of hair I’ve ever seen. One day I asked Steve his secret and he said he really didn’t do anything special but tried to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Bodybuilder Used Diet to Regain Health

Brad Morris knew that losing weight would not be easy. Yet he knew that