447 results found for: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY

Green Tea Noodles

Green Tea Noodles with Edamame

Green tea, with its powerful theaflavins, is a strong antioxidant with vigorous anti-inflammatory properties, a heart-healthy addition to anyone’s diet. Green tea is wonderful to drink on its own, but it also can be incorporated into recipes.  I use an old Asian trick for mixing more green tea into your diet with my Green Tea Noodles with Edamame. It’s an easy and budget-friendly recipe. Just boil soba, udon, or ramen noodles in green tea instead of water. Green tea has far more age-fighting power than water. If you want to eat these noodles cold, rinse them in cold water after […]

Tea for You: Cold Brew Boosts the Brain

When it’s hot out, a cup of iced tea is very refreshing, and the benefits far outweigh so many other drinks on the market. The theaflavins in both green and black teas help improve blood flow, keeping your skin fresh and your brain young.

Nutrient-Rich Foods Defend Health While Saving Money

Eating healthfully doesn’t always mean higher prices at the grocery store. In fact, some of the most nutritious foods can be found for pennies at local markets. “Super foods,” as they’re sometimes called, is the catch phrase used for nutrient-dense foods that sometimes have disease-fighting properties, such as antioxidants, said Jonathan Allen, coordinator of the interdepartmental nutrition program at N.C. State University’s Department of Food Bio-processing & Nutrition Sciences. And while these super foods aren’t the only foods you should eat as part of a well-balanced diet, their prices make them a bargain — especially when you consider the costs […]

Thanksgiving dinner

Have a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be a carb-loaded, over-eating frenzy. You can make satisfying, healthy, anti-aging food choices for this holiday that will leave you feeling thankful for indulging. Take turkey, for example. I cook at least four turkeys each Thanksgiving because I usually have about 30 people over for dinner. Turkey contains tryptophan, which produces niacin, giving us energy. Tryptophan also builds the hormone serotonin, which helps ensure healthy neurotransmitters in our brain. Turkey also contains the FoodTrient selenium, a detoxifying antioxidant. You don’t have to drown your turkey in fatty gravy. It can be deliciously sauced using healthier ingredients. […]

Fruits and Vegetables of November

Remember, remember, the 5th of November, or Bonfire Night as it is known in Britain. What’s interesting is that this is one particular celebration or commemorative day that there does not appear to be any particular food associated with, perhaps because it isn’t an American celebration. We celebrate everything with food. There must be some marshmallows or chestnuts roasting or potatoes baking in those bonfires somewhere. So what foods do we have in season to celebrate with in November? In-season fruit choices include apples, clementines, cranberries, pears and tangerines. Vegetable choices that should be at reasonable prices include Brussels sprouts, […]

Astaxanthin: An Antioxidant With “Star” Qualities

Many of my patients are on the lookout for anti-aging news and products that will help them stay younger-looking, stronger and healthier as they age.  Perhaps you, too, are looking for the best anti-aging products and information you can find.  Well, you’ve come to the right place, as anti-aging medicine is my specialty. I’d like to tell you about one of the best anti-aging substances out there – literally a “star” amongst antioxidants. Astaxanthin – An Amazing Carotenoid The Greek word “asta” means “star-like” and even has been translated as “love” itself.  Xanthin means yellow in Greek and is a […]

Mustard Crusted Tri Tip

Mustard-Crusted Tri-Tip

      Mustard is a highly popular and widely used condiment that has sparked interest among nutritionists. Its detoxifying selenium and magnesium have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce blood pressure. Its phytonutrients seem to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. Mustard also stimulates the saliva glands, aiding in digestion. I like to use Dijon mustard for the crust on this tri-tip, but you can use any flavorful prepared mustard. As with all red meat, the lysine in the beef repairs tissue and helps skin build new collagen. I use grass-fed beef for its omega-3s and other healthful […]

Parties, Potlucks & Food That Travels Well

December is rife with holiday parties and I love to entertain. Mostly I throw parties at my home or in elegant hotels like the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. Occasionally I attend potluck parties at other people’s homes. Bringing food to a party can be tricky. It has to be prepared ahead of time, survive being packed and transported, and look elegant once it’s plated at the party site. Also, it needs to taste great at room temperature, unless you have a crock pot and can keep it warm (see story on our crock pot giveaway below). These are not […]

Keep Your Holidays Healthy With Superfoods!

If you’re like most of my patients, you worry that eating all those rich holiday foods in the upcoming weeks will sabotage your diet and healthy-eating efforts.

Keep Your Skin Healthy Using Natural Oils

It’s getting colder in many parts of North America now and many people may start to be bothered by “winter itch”, that dry , flaky, reddened skin condition that may occur when heated homes become dry.  Even if you live in a warmer climate, you could be like some of my patients who experience oilier, break-out prone skin, especially if you perspire more often. Whichever your skin condition is, you don’t have to put up with the flaky itchiness or embarrassing break outs.  I’d like to share with you what I tell my own patients about making the most of […]