195 results found for: Obesity

10 Tips to Live to 100!

One of my patients, I’ll call him Joe, is a younger-than-his years 72-year-old businessman.  I generally see him about once a year for his annual checkup.  When I ask how he’s doing, with a big, energetic smile he always answers, “1 year closer to 100!”  I smile back and tell him I’m counting on him to keep his promise.  That’s Joe’s goal – to live to “at least 100”.   I’ll bet he’s going to make it by the very slow rate he’s aging.  Maybe you’re wondering if you could live to 100. Well, I’m happy to tell you that the […]

The Secret to Weight Loss? You Already Have It!

Losing weight isn’t easy for anyone. Yes, someone can drop 100 pounds in the course of a television season, but a typical person isn’t going to have a slew of weight-loss gurus following her every move…and her every pound. But here’s the secret:

Uncovering The Broad-Spectrum Protection of Anthocyanins

Consumers hear a lot today about “healthy foods” that are shown to prevent disease. Missing from news broadcasts are details about how to benefit from specific plant components that published studies document help protect against degenerative disorders.

Ditch Bad Nutritional Habits to Improve Your Health

If you’re in the Baby Boomer age group (49+), you ‘came of age’ in a unique period of time when many manufacturing innovations and societal changes came about.  Most of you have an adventuresome, visionary spirit and want to stay youthful, active and healthy well into your old age.  Yet, statistics show that 7 out of 10 Boomers are overweight with a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, dementia, hypertension, cataracts, sexual dysfunction and many other age-related ailments.  In a generation that’s so youth-and health oriented, why are many Baby Boomers plagued by these age-related ailments?  The answer to that […]

The Cholesterol Myth Revealed

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26.5 million people have been diagnosed with heart disease in the United States. It is the #1 killer. The most common notion has been for years that cholesterol and saturated fat lead to heart disease and we should be concentrating on engaging in low-fat diets and chugging down prescription drugs to regulate these things. We are spoon-fed this paranoia by the government and major health organizations such as the American Heart Association, when in reality, cholesterol is a minor player in heart disease and lowering cholesterol has extremely limited benefits. Cholesterol […]

African Mango: Separate the Hype

For a while now, many of my patients have asked me about a product called African Mango for weight loss.  They’ve seen it all over the internet, read about it in magazines and heard about it from television talk shows.  It’s touted to significantly reduce body weight, improve cholesterol and blood sugar.  So, I thought I’d tell my readers about this substance and let you decide for yourself if you’d like to try it.  Here’s what I’ve learned about it… Why is Everyone Talking About African Mango? A few years ago, news about a seed extract from the African plant […]

Unleashing the Power of the Female Brain

Dr. Daniel G. Amen’s latest book, Unleash the Power of the Female Brain: Supercharging Yours for Better Health, Energy, Mood, Focus, and Sex, is a kind of homage to his wife, mother, and five sisters.

Dr. Hyman’s Blood Sugar Solution

From Dr. Oz to Bill Clinton, people everywhere are listening to what Dr. Mark Hyman’s new book, The Blood Sugar Solution, has to say regarding the rise of obesity and diabetes. The latest research shows that insulin imbalance is the major cause of weight issues and diabetes, as well as heart disease, cancer, dementia and most other diseases. Diabesity, the continuum of health problems ranging from mild insulin resistance and being overweight to obesity and diabetes, is the single biggest health epidemic of our time. It is almost entirely caused by environmental and lifestyle factors, which means that it is […]

The South Beach Diet Gluten Solution

Dr. Arthur Agatston is a leading preventive cardiologist and an associate professor of medicine at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. A pioneer in the field of noninvasive cardiac imaging, Dr. Agatston’s scientific work with Dr. Warren Janowitz, first reported in 1991, resulted in the Agatston Score, a method for

bunch of greens

Natural Steps To Liver Health

When I suspected liver malfunction in one of my patients recently, he protested. He assumed that his liver was fine since he didn’t drink large amounts of alcohol. His assumption was a common one. Whenever I mention liver problems, most of my patients think of cirrhosis (associated with excessive alcohol consumption) or hepatitis, a viral disease with particular risk factors. They assume there’s not much else to worry about when it comes to liver health. Perhaps it’s an assumption you’ve made yourself. But just because you are not at risk for cirrhosis or hepatitis, that doesn’t mean you’re doing all […]