197 results found for: Digestion

Awesome Avocados: One of the Top Superfoods

Here’s a fact that will make your day: Many professional in the fields of medicine and nutrition consider avocados a superfood! This is great news, as avocados are one of my very favorite foods. What could be better? A buttery, rich-tasting, creamy fruit that not only tastes sublime and spreads like a dream but is cholesterol-free, sodium-free, is loaded with healthy vitamins and a good dose of fiber. Avocados have the well-earned reputation for being high in fat calories. However, those calories are nutrient dense and the fat is monounsaturated, so it is readily used by the body as energy […]

Cold Tea Brews a Boost for the Brain

When it’s hot out, a cup of iced tea is very refreshing, and the benefits far outweigh so many other drinks on the market. The theaflavins in both green and black teas help improve blood flow, keeping your skin fresh and your brain young. Because tea is so beneficial, I’ve developed many recipes with it for my cookbook. One of my simplest tea recipes is Pomegranate Iced Tea. I simply blend pomegranate juice with brewed black tea that has been chilled. Catechins found in black tea inhibit the growth of cancer cells, stimulate metabolism, act as an anti-inflammatory, and can help […]

The Little-Known Longevity Factor in the Japanese Diet

Over the past decade, a quiet revolution in aging research has unfolded, its focus centered on little-known molecules known as fucoidans. These molecules play a crucial role across a broad range of physiological mechanisms. Fucoidans are found almost exclusively in certain kinds of seaweed. Their anti-aging potential emerged in several analyses of the Japanese diet, particularly among inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, long known for its high concentration of people at least a century old (centenarians). Virtually no one in the West obtains enough of these critical molecules, which have been shown to facilitate tissue regeneration, immune function, and cell-to-cell communication. In this article, you will discover how fucoidans work to combat cancer, […]

Memory May Be A Problem With Your Stomach, Not Brain

Do you suffer from a sore mouth, fatigue, anemia, constipation, loss of appetite, numbness or tingling in

Natural Relief from Heartburn!

If you have ever wondered why you see so many TV commercials for heartburn medications such as Prilosec®, Tagamet®, and Tums®, it is because a startling 40% of the adult population suffers from a condition known medically as gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). For some people, heartburn causes minor discomfort after eating, while others experience pain so intense that they rush to an emergency room fearing a heart attack. A common misconception is that heartburn is caused only by excess stomach acid that regurgitates back up into the esophagus. What few doctors realize is that when the sphincter muscle at the […]

What Are The Health Benefits of Cabbage?

Cabbage, which is often lumped into the same category as lettuce because of their similar appearance, is actually a part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale and broccoli are notorious for being chock-full of beneficial nutrients. If you are trying to improve your diet, cruciferous vegetables should be at the very top of your grocery list. Cabbage can vary in color from green to red and purple, and the leaves can be smooth or crinkled. With less than 20 calories per half cup cooked, it is a vegetable worth making room on your plate for. This MNT Knowledge […]

Mint Agave Tonic

Mint Agave Tonic

The inspiration for this drink comes from the Cuban mojito. My nonalcoholic version uses sparkling water. Mint leaves aid digestion. The vitamin C in limes is a great immunity booster. For a stronger mint flavor, use more mint leaves. Serves 2 Ingredients 2 small bunches fresh mint leaves 1/4 cup lime juice 4-8 tsp. agave nectar 2 1/2 cups sparkling water crushed ice (optional) Procedure 1. Place 5–7 mint leaves in each of 2 tall glass. Bruise the leaves with a cocktail muddle, the handle of a wooden spoon, or the tines of a whisk to help them release their fragrant oil. […]

Bison: The Best Red Meat For Your Heart

Well, here we are at the start of a new year.  Many of you have made New Year resolutions to lose weight and just become healthier in general, and I commend you.  So, to help you move in that healthy direction, I’d like to tell you about an amazingly healthy food I think you should try this new year.  No matter what your age, it can help you achieve both weight loss and better general health. Bison: The Other, Healthier Red Meat For centuries, the Native Americans treasured the American bison and gave it a place of great honor in […]

Block Absorption of Killer Carbohydrates

If you’re an American over 20 years old, you may already suffer from some form of impaired glucose control. According to 2007 data from the National Institutes of Health, 25% of Americans 20 years and older had abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood—a pre-diabetic state.

Problems with the Modern Diet

Even if you eat a healthy diet, you may not be absorbing vital fat-soluble nutrients and amino acids needed for optimal health. That’s because with age, we experience a decline in the enzymes our bodies produce to break down foods into absorbable nutrients.